The Technical Program Management Podcast & Interviews

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TPM Podcast with Rhea - Episode II Part III
Mario Gerard: Hello, and welcome to the TPM podcast with your host, Mario Gerard. This is part three, the final part of how to run a large-scale program. Our conversation with Rhea, if you have in thi
TPM Podcast with Rhea - Episode II Part II
Mario Gerard: Hello, and welcome to the TPM podcast with your host, Mario Gerard. This is part two of the second series with Rhea, where we are talking about how you run L scale programs. If you haven
TPM Podcast with Rhea - Episode II Part I
Mario Gerard: Hello, and welcome to the TPM podcast with your post Mario Gerard. This is going be a podcast with Rhea. Rhea and I worked together at OCI running large scale programs. We've split this
TPM: Running Large Scale Programs - Podcast with Rhea
Mario Gerard: Hello, and welcome to the TPM podcast with your host Mario Gerard. Today, we have a very special guest with us, Rhea Frondozo. She and I have worked together at Oracle cloud infrastructu
TPM & PM At Meta/Facebook - Podcast w/ Priyanka Shinde
Mario Gerard: Hello, and welcome to the TPM podcast with your host Mario Gerard. Today, we have a very special guest with us, Priyanka Shinde. She has extensive experience as a TPM. She's worked as a