Man Shopping with Stacie

Man Shopping with Stacie

Ep20 ~ What Susie Says of Sally

September 17, 2021

Divorce inevitably draws a lot of speculation, rumors and gossip. In this episode, I share several stories from friends, listeners, and of course, myself.I begin by sharing the sad story of a listener friend of mine. She lives in a tiny town where rumors are flying about her. She can't trust anyone and feels isolated and alone.The second story I tell is of a male friend of mine who had an affair after his marriage started to crumble and his wife withheld sex for several years. I think there's an unfair narrative here that he's a narcissistic asshole who cheated on his perfect wife. The next story I share, is one of a couple I know through mutual friends. In this case, the ex wife shared the idea that her ex husband might be gay.  She casually threw this idea around to enough people that it has created a rumor.  I share the rumor I heard during my divorce that I was dating a doctor.  (I wasn't.)  I also explain how social media has been used by my ex husband to hurt my reputation. I speculate his posts were at the request of his first ex wife. It was a sad situation that hurt my daughter's feelings.I share my friend's story of surviving a ridiculously traumatic divorce only to be mistreated by some of the married people in her community.Lastly, I tell the story of a male friend who has been ostracized by other parents because he's single and older. If you've been the victim of these types of behaviors, know that you are not alone! It's often people who are unhappy in their own lives who bully and stir up drama about other people.  So, try not to take it too personal! Have honest conversations with your closest friends and neighbors and tell them you still want to be included in gatherings and family events.Support the show (