Manifest Zone: Exploring the World of Eberron
04 – Religion
Keith, Kristian, and Wayne discuss religion in the world of Eberron.
* Dragonshards – Religion in Eberron
* Dragonmarks 4/11: Religion, Faith and Souls
* Clergy vs. divinely empowered
* Religion is about faith; both are subjective
* Temples are for spiritual guidance, not healing
* The Sovereign Host
* The Silver Flame and other ‘forces’
* Other faiths
* For GMs
* What story are you telling?
* The role of religion in your campaign
* Just incorporating religions culturally
* Misusing the Silver Flame
* For players
* Faith as a source of divine power
* Evidence or weakening of faith
* Dragonmarks 6/18/16: Faith and Wisdom, Arcane and Divine
* Divine power vs. non-divine religious characters
* Interacting with established religions
* Details of religions don’t have to be developed at the start
* Roles and relationships of religious characters
* Safely exploring religious issues
* Easter Egg
* Wrap up