HWMS Audio Theatre
Latest Episodes
16915: How to Talk about Difficulty Topics
We all have to bear bad news. It is what we have to do. Tell your box that he is wrong, your neighbor that she is disturbing the piece, your employee that he is fired. How do you do it? How Do you do it other than starting with the horribly awkward “I ...
16405: Seattle & the Problems of an Innovative Organization
This fall, the podcast moves to Seattle. Such moves keep us flexible, agile, ready to face any task. Well, perhaps any task. There is this problem with slugs. However, we’re in Seattle to consider the attributes of an innovative organization.
16385: Leaving Washington: A summary of science & tech policy
The time has come to move to our next site. Before we go, we do a quick summary of what we have learned about Science & Technology Policy while Maddie, our 8-year old entrepreneur shows us how she has actually applied it. [16385]
16380: The Intern’s Dilemma or Anna gets an interview
How has technology changed the role of interning? What is it like to move from a succession of unpaid jobs to a full time position? Are you really ready to be a full member of the workforce after a couple months of clerical work?
16375: An Interview With Steve Crocker
In a special interview, Steve Crocker, Chair of the Board of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) talks about his organization, its future, and the future of the Internet. [16375]
16370: Emvisible Friends: Privacy in an Connected Age
What is privacy in the digital age and how do we defend it for the consumer? Especially when we want to have Pokemon Go. Our guest this week is Federal Trade Commissioner Maureen Ohlhausen, who talks about the role of her agency is defending consumer p...
Maddie, the Eight-Year Old Entrepreneur
With a week off for How We Manage Stuff, we offer a little snippet of Maddie, our 8-year old entrepreneur who is visiting Washington. Maddie represents all that is right with American business. Its energy. Its vision. Its optimism.
16365: The Final Principle of Science Policy ( & Maddie comes to DC)
It’s the last idea in Vannevar Bush’s list of principles to guide science policy and it is enshrined in law but it is really an observation of a fundamental conflict, the conflict between the interests of scientists and the interests of the public.
16360: The Cybersecurity Episode
Guests Bruce McMillin and Gerry Howser talk about their recent article on Computer magazine article that compares the problems of cybersecurity to those of defending a medieval castle. In case you are not familiar with European fortifications from the ...
16355: Innovative Organization with Guest Steve Crocker
Guest Steve Crocker from the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers talks about errors, errors in software, and how we accept minor errors in almost every system we use. And our CTO, Vinny,has a great new idea for a business.