Manage This - The Project Management Podcast

Manage This - The Project Management Podcast

Latest Episodes

Episode 204 – Innovation through Compassion: Creating Happy, Productive Project Teams   
July 01, 2024

The podcast by project managers for project managers. Happiness isn't just about feeling goodit's a strategic advantage in the professional world. In this episode were taking a look into the powerful connections between happiness, project success, and c

Episode 203 –Tap into Hidden Wisdom – How to Ask Better Questions
June 17, 2024

The podcast by project managers for project managers. This episode explores the art of asking effective questions. Author Jeff Wetzler offers practical advice for improving our skill at asking effective questions. The Ask Approach" is Jeffs five-step me

Episode 202 -Decoding Megaprojects: Insights with Bent Flyvbjerg (Part 2)
June 03, 2024

The podcast for project managers by project managers. In this second part of our conversation about Decoding Megaprojects with Bent Flyvbjerg, we explore the idea of "Pixar Planning," a method inspired by Pixar Studios' approach to making movies. Next, we

Episode 201 -Decoding Megaprojects: Insights with Bent Flyvbjerg (Part 1)
May 20, 2024

The podcast by project managers for project managers. Part one of our two-part conversation with Bent Flyvbjerg, delving into decoding megaprojects. Bents research draws from a database of 16,000 megaprojects to extract valuable insights. Megaprojects ar

Episode 200 – Sailing Through Project Management: Lessons from the Captain
May 06, 2024

The podcast by project managers for project managers. Join us in celebrating 200 episodes of Manage This, as we embark on a voyage through the intersection of project management and sailing with captain and author, Andy Crowe. Andy is our Velociteach foun

Episode 199 – Rising Talent: Shaping the Future of Project Management
April 15, 2024

The podcast by project managers for project managers. Shaping the future of project management is PMI 2023 Future 50 honoree, and our second guest in our "Rising Talent" podcast series, Monique Sekhon. She is a trailblazer making waves both professionally

Episode 198 – Rising Talent: A Project Managers’ Resilience in Beirut’s Rebuild
April 01, 2024

The podcast by project managers for project managers. Following the 2020 devastating explosion in Beirut, project manager Kevin Gemayel's journey is nothing short of inspiring as he tackled challenges head-on. Hear firsthand accounts of his experiences du

Episode 197 – Thriving Project Teams: Retention vs. Turnover
March 18, 2024

The podcast by project managers for project managers. Have you ever wondered why project team members decide to quit? Join us as we unravel the mysteries behind team turnover with HR expert Cindi Filer. Discover the pitfalls project managers should avoid

Episode 196 – The Hidden Value: Understanding Benefits Realization
March 04, 2024

The podcast by project managers for project managers. Are your projects truly delivering the promised benefits? Rasmus Rytter explains the often overlooked realm of Benefits Realization. He explains why so many projects miss the mark on delivering measura

Episode 195 – Estimate This: Managing Project Estimation
February 19, 2024

The podcast by project managers for project managers. We are taking a fresh look at project estimation. Topics include the estimation obstacles project managers commonly face, key factors essential for accurate projections, the impact of organizational cu
