Man vs Model

Man vs Model

Latest Episodes

Season 2, Episode 2: Week One-A in Review; Week One Preview
September 02, 2016

At the very last minute, D. Myron Duncan suddenly left the state in an unofficial capacity as an ambassador of the Big Red apparently in search of defensive linemen. So, bringing you this week's sure fire picks fell upon your stalwart...

Season 2, Episode 1: 2016-17 Season Preview
August 27, 2016

COLLEGE FOOTBALL IS BACK!!! And not a moment too soon. There are only so many tremendously awful Netflix movies a man can watch. So, we are hanging up our movie-critic pantaloons, grabbing our mouth guards, and donning our jock straps...

Man vs. Movie, Episode 24: Pontypool
August 13, 2016

The always fucking awesome Caitlin Phelps (ahem, Splattstoesser) is back in studio to discuss Canada's best shot at a zombie movie...Pontypool. In-so-doing, it is revealed that Caitlin is, in fact, in love with the Pick Dingus, which still has it...

Man vs. Movie, Episode 23: Nightcrawler
August 07, 2016

In this episode we are joined once again by the full head of hair that is Nate Menzie, to discuss the critically acclaimed film Nightcrawler, starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Rene Russo. We also discover that the football betting algorithm invented...

Man v. Movie, Episode 22: A Single Man
July 30, 2016

In this episode we are joined by platinum legion member, Nate Menzie, to discuss the Thomas Ford debut, A Single Man. Little known fact about Nate, he used to live in what is now our studio, and in this episode he reveals some unprintable things that...

Man vs. Movie, Episode 21: Madame Bovary
July 16, 2016

In this episode we are joined by the always lovely, always awesome Caitlin Phelps (Splattstoesser, technically), who is in studio to survey the aftermath of her scheme to torture your kind and magnanimous hosts with the period piece snoozer, Madame...

Man vs. Movie, Episode 20: Primer
July 09, 2016

In this episode we are joined by Frank/Ryan, the beat architect from the group Frank&Stan, who composed much of the music for our humble podcast. Frank is in studio to discuss the level one mind penetration we all sustained as a result of...

Man vs. Movie, Episode 19: Bushido Man
July 02, 2016

In this episode we review a "fun little whack 'em up" called Bushido Man, we solve the mysteries of the universe and ultimate reality, and Pop Rocks (aka DP, aka "our guest") drops in to tell Dave a joke he learned in 3rd grade (hint: the...

Man vs. Movie, Episode 18: Redirected
June 25, 2016

In this episode, a cybernetic organism that calls itself Taber/Rebat. joins us to discuss the greatest movie ever Lithuania: Redirected. And despite what the new host would like you to believe, this is technically Episode 18...

Man vs Movie, Episode 17; There Will be Blood
June 12, 2016

Daniel Day-Lewis and P.T. Anderson = amazeballs...Casey offers Lincoln a $5 mustache ride, and we inform legion that the Benevolent Dr. Loud was unexpectedly called away to rig an election in Eastern Europe. But, before departing,...