Male Military Spouse Radio Show

Male Military Spouse Radio Show

MMSRS #13 - What is fair and unfair in how MANspouses are treated?

October 03, 2014

Men are more and more being called upon to be the homemaker and SAHD while military mom is working. What has happened to you that you've witnessed the opposite happen for military wives? Call in (516) 453-9167 and tell us your horror story!

Male Military Spouse Radio Show is a weekly 2 hour talk show for and by the men married to active duty military members. Here we discuss our problems getting military resources, how to brew beer, the latest craze in BBQ grills and methods, how to change diapers, where to go to get coupons - anything a Stay At Home Dad would need! Host Dave Etter produces and runs this madhouse, and welcomes all callers. Sometimes the language gets rough, but, hey! We're MEN!