From Weight Gain to Cancer, Your Emotional State Makes the Difference

September 29, 2016

If you have tried everything else and still can’t drop those unwanted pounds... that extra weight may very well be tied to your emotional state! "After twenty-some years and thousands of patients, I'm convinced that trapped emotions are at the basis of almost everything from phobias and anxiety attacks to cancers and fibromyalgia. The good news is that by clearing these trapped emotions, the symptoms of the disease or condition become noticeably better — and often the disease or condition itself completely disappears," says Dr. Bradley Nelson.

A new survey conducted by Orlando Health finds the key to losing weight may lie in snapping the emotional bond that people have with food. That’s why so many people fail to lose weight or quickly regain it despite trying new diet and exercise routines. Dr. Nelson, author of the bestselling book The Emotion Code shares a unique perspective on how emotional baggage can cause weight gain, chronic disease, and cancer. Dr. Nelson has trained more than 2500 healing practitioners in 62 countries to uncover and release “trapped” negative emotions, which he calls a top cause of obesity and weight problems.

“The trapped emotions that we develop from experiences that we have been through in our lives oftentimes manifests as fat, which is like armor that protects us from negative people and negative circumstances,” Dr. Nelson explains.

Dr. Bradley Nelson is one of the world's foremost experts in the emerging fields of bio-energetic medicine and energy psychology. From his more than 20 years practice as a holistic physician, Dr. Nelson discerned that the vast majority of physical pain, disease and mental and emotional problems his patients suffered was rooted in trapped emotions, the unseen emotional baggage we all carry from hurtful life experiences. Through his studies of ancient medical practice and modern quantum physics, he developed The Emotion Code, a simple yet powerfully effective method anyone can learn to release the trapped emotions that block mental and physical healing.

For Further Insight:
His best-selling book, The Emotion Code and
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