Latest Episodes

The color revolution targets America
July 01, 2024

The Prism of America’s Education with Host Karen Schoen – History promises we get exactly what we deserve. As Americans, we must face the reality that we are responsible for the current state of our n

Merrick Garland’s inherent contempt
July 01, 2024

Truth Be Told with Booker Scott Anna Paulina-Luna (R-FL) had previously threatened a rarely used tactic to compel Garland. Inherent contempt has been used over 100 times in American history, but not

The weakening of the US Military! Something more sinister is at play…
July 01, 2024

Two Women Inspiring Real Life with Stephanie Coxon and Kathy Anderson-Martin Decisions from the top echelons of our military appear to weaken our US fighting force, raising concerns. Brad Miller, a

Reforming government health agencies: Holding NIH, NIAID, FDA, and CDC accountable
July 01, 2024

Dr. Paul Alexander Liberty Hour I expose the shocking lack of accountability in government agencies like NIH, NIAID, and CDC. Highlighting dangerous monkeypox research and COVID-19 mismanagement, I

The scientific impossibility of evolution: Debunking the atheist theories of life’s origins
July 01, 2024

Trevor Loudon Reports We explore the flaws in the theory of evolution and argue that random mutations and natural selection fail as mechanisms for life's origins. Evan Sayet's book criticizes atheis

SCOTUS limits power of bureaucratic state & Biden flops without teleprompter on Viewpoint This Sunday
June 30, 2024

Viewpoint This Sunday with Malcolm Out Loud For those who believe the Federal Government is out of control, the Supreme Courts Chevron ruling limits the power of federal agencies. Atty Sidney Powel

A cold, the media meltdown, & reality of a Trump 2nd term
June 30, 2024

After Dark with Hosts Rob & Andrew Millions of Americans now see the truth about Joe Bidens mental and physical state. A disastrous debate hosted by CNN unintentionally exposes Bidens decline, des

How stupid do you feel?
June 30, 2024

The Constitution Study with Host Paul Engel Were often told its not nice to call people stupid. Im not calling anyone stupid; Im asking if they feel stupid. Look around at the consequences of ou

The challenge of our times is not political: Republican v. Democrat
June 30, 2024

FAITH IS with Pastor Rick Stevens The challenge of our times is not political: Republican v. Democrat, right v. Left. The challenge of our times is normal v. crazy; sane v. insane! The challenge fo

While America is distracted, China has penetrated the homeland
June 30, 2024

The Voice of a Nation with Malcolm Out Loud China has been buying up strategically placed farmland next to military installations across the US, raising national securityfears over potential espion
