Making Your Mark with God

Latest Episodes
In this episode Sapphire discusses integrity, that is dealing with keeping our commitment no matter how horrific it may be. It's honoring our word in spite of the pain or pressure
Hungering for God
In this episode I discuss what it means to hunger after God. Mt 5:6 says, blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they will be filled," which represents hungering and being f
In this episode, I discuss why its important to confess your sins to God. Please listen and share
In our 7th episode, we talk about the sensitive issue... covetousness.
What is your process?
In this episode, Sapphire teaches from chapter three of her book, “Running the Race Marked Out for You”
In today's episode, I talk about wholeness. I look at Luke 17:11-19, and the ten lepers that Jesus healed. Only one had complete wholeness.