Latest Episodes

Why the Dow Doesn’t Matter
December 26, 2022

The Dow is an index made up of 30 publicly traded U.S. stocks based on their price. Its a bad way to construct an index, despite the attention it receives in the financial media. Lets ... Read more

Family or Professional Trustee – Pros and Cons of a Professional Trustee
December 19, 2022

Deciding whether to put a family or professional trustee in charge of administering a trust is a difficult choice to make. There are pros and cons to each. Lets break them down to help you ... Read m

How Much Cash Should I Have in Retirement?
December 12, 2022

Deciding how much cash to have in retirement, particularly the transition into retirement is challenging. There are general rules of thumb, but how much is appropriate for you? Lets explore the optio

Kathi Balasek – Personal Widowhood Experience
December 05, 2022

Kathi Balasek is an educator, the founder of Grief Smart Advisor, and a widow. Kathi shares her personal journey with widowhood, what it is like to experience grief, steps you can take to help with ..

Stock Market Decline Silver Linings
November 28, 2022

Stock market declines have silver linings and opportunities. From valuations coming down, Roth conversions, rebalancing, and tax-loss harvesting, there are opportunities to reduce taxes and bring your

What I’m Thankful for in 2022
November 21, 2022

Its that time of year many people reflect and ask, What am I thankful for this year? Listen to what I am thankful for in 2022, as well as a few questions you can ask ... Read more

How to Choose Beneficiaries with Taxes in Mind
November 14, 2022

Many people choose their beneficiaries without thinking about how much they will receive after-taxes. If you choose beneficiaries without a strategy, more of your money may be lost to the government i

Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFA®, CES™ – Navigating Financial Decisions as a Widow
November 07, 2022

Stacy Francis is the Founder of Francis Financial and Savvy Ladies. She joined me to talk about the steps to take after a loved one dies, what sort of team is important to have in ... Read more

What is Asset Location and How Can It Reduce Taxes?
October 31, 2022

Asset location is a tax minimization strategy where you put certain assets in different types of accounts based on their expected returns, tax treatment, and many other factors. If you arent using it

How to Build a Good Credit Score
October 24, 2022

Credit scores can be confusing. It takes work and an understanding of the methodology to build a good credit score. Lets explore what impacts a credit score, common mistakes people make, and strategi