Dancing With Wisdom

Dancing With Wisdom

Friendship Part 1: What Happens When Friendship Meets Wisdom

July 31, 2023

S3 E08

Friendship allows us to be the best of ourselves. It confirms what we know to be true – that we were made for relationships. Yet many people lack friendship in their lives. They lack the skills to develop close friendships. And so they lack the meaning that friendships bring. Why is this so? What can we do about it? And where can we find the answers?


To help us explore this vital topic, we are joined in conversation by John Wyatt – doctor, author, speaker and research scientist – who brings key insights from his book on friendship. 

Through the discussion we learn that wisdom has a lot to say about building close friendships. It shows us how to measure the health of our relationships and find deeper connections. And it helps us make sense of what it means to be human through the bonds we form. 

In this first episode of a 3-part series, we rediscover the potential of friendships. We gain a deeper understanding of why we often struggle with friendship within our cultural context. And we see that in spite of cynical views and complex issues surrounding friendship in general, applying wisdom to our own friendships can have transformative effects. 

As you will discover, John’s experiences and studies in friendship will enrich your own – leading to the genuine relationships we all long to have.

Do join us in the conversation …