Making Permaculture Stronger
Permaculture Design Process with Penny Livingston-Stark
In this episode I get to inquire into permaculture design process with Penny Livingston-Stark. Penny has been teaching internationally and working professionally in the land management, regenerative design, and permaculture development field for 25 years and has extensive experience in all phases of ecologically sound design and construction as well as the use of natural non-toxic building materials. She specializes in site planning and the design of resource-rich landscapes integrating, rainwater collection, edible and medicinal planting, spring development, pond and water systems, habitat development and watershed restoration for homes, co-housing communities, businesses, and diverse yield perennial farms. She as taught Herbal Medicine Making, Natural Building and Permaculture around the US as well as Bali, Indonesia, Peru, Germany, Mexico, France, Turkey, Portugal, Australia, Belize, Brazil, England and Costa Rica.
Check out Penny’s website here and the ecoversity course she mentions here.
Check out the offerings I mention on Holistic Decision Making here and Living Design Process here.
Oh and please tell me what you think of the new soundtrack too with mega-gratitude to Pip Heath for creating it!