Makes You Think

Makes You Think

Social Media Interview with Jacqui Macway-Wilson

April 04, 2013

Successful people surround themselves with other very successful people. Newsflash – the best business leaders don’t know everything! What they do, very successfully so, is to build strong and profitable alliances with experts who have superb technical skills and expertise and they then leverage their collective knowledge to drive the key business imperatives around which they desire spectacular results. Today’s business whether micro, small, medium, big, corporate or multi-national, has to look to social media to help drive their strategy. To many business owners, social media is little more than a buzz-phrase which they believe has little or no value attached to it.

After searching far and wide for someone who truly understands the world of social media and how to make this work for any business, I finally met Jacqui Macway-Wilson of GoSocialSA. She truly is a South African Social Media Expert who walks the talk and delivers. Why? Because she not only understands social media, she feels social media and this is what sets her apart from other South African Social Media Experts.

Chris Styles interviewsJacqui Macway Wilson.

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