The Maker's Collective Podcast

The Maker's Collective Podcast

Episode 81: Enough is Enough – Black Lives Matter and We Have Work To Do

June 10, 2020

Last week (on June 3rd) we came together, along with 30,000+ people from across the Waterloo region, to march in solidarity with our local Black Lives Matter organization, in protest of police brutality. As we're sure you are aware, these marches and protests have been happening all over the world, even in the midst of COVID-19, and today, we want you to know where we stand.The Maker's Collective is absolutely, 100%, unequivocally ANTI- RACIST - all Black Lives Matter, racism and injustice will no longer be tolerated, and change needs to happen yesterday.

As privileged, white, cisgender, heterosexual people, we know that we have a lot of work to do. We know we have a lot of listening, learning, unlearning, and tough conversations to do and have in the weeks, months, and years ahead. We also know that we aren't going to get it right all of the time - however we are going to keep 'doing'.

This special episode is our pledge to all of you in this beautiful community that we are committed to doing this work and to building a company that is actively anti-racist.

Oh, and if you don't like it, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

PS - If you are serious (like we are) about wanting to build an anti-racist business, join us tonight as we tune into the Reimagining Small Business town hall, a FREE event which has been created and will be lead by Ericka Hines, Rachel Rodgers, and Susan Hyatt.

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