Make Light

Latest Episodes
Fighting Impostor Syndrome: Make Light Season 4, Episode 4
Join Karen as she talks about impostor syndrome -- what it is, and how she fights it to the death.
Dress to Express: Make Light Season 4, Episode 3
Join Karen as she welcomes special guest Stasia Savasuk, the founder of Style School. Together they discuss what it means when men and women use clothing as an expression of your authenticity -- what Stasia calls "inside-out congruency."
Rituals & Routines: Make Light Season 4, Episode 2
There's something incredibly comforting about routine and ritual -- in fact, it's a privilege. Join Karen as she discusses how to infuse more ritual into your life, and become more efficient, effective & productive in the process.
Setting Intentions: Make Light Season 4, Episode 1
Join Karen as she shares what she does instead of resolutions. She'll explain why it’s been years since she broke a resolution – and why recent years have felt more productive and meaningful as a result.
Lessons from Hurricane Harvey: Make Light Season 3, Episode 15
This is it, friends — the final episode of the Make Light Show for Season 3! It’s also almost exactly a year since my family and I escaped our home destroyed by Hurricane Harvey flooding. For this last episode,
Make Light by Pivoting: Make Light Season 3 Episode 14
This week we have a great question from Danielle — she’s about to change careers, but she’s not exactly sure how or to what. Take a listen as I talk about how I handled the very same situation, including three journaling prompts to help you make a piv...
Make Light by Tasting Health: Make Light Season 3, Episode 13
I don’t know about you, but I love food — and I’m completely overwhelmed by it. Who can make sense of all the “wisdom” out there around food — should we be eating Paleo? Whole 30? Gluten-free? Keto? Should we eat more red meat? Less? This week,
Make Light by Letting Go of Perfectionism: Make Light Season 3, Episode 12
My parents have lived all over the world, and for a time, they lived in Azerbaijan, the former Soviet republic. While they lived there, they purchased a number of Persian carpets (Azerbaijan borders Iran), which decorate their house now.
Make Light by Journaling: Make Light Season 3, Episode 11
This week, Jill asks about my journaling practice — I’m an avid journaler, and journaling is part of the way I organize my life, not to mention a huge part of my self-care practice. So join us today as I talk about the techniques I incorporate in my jo...
Make Light by Fighting Negative Self-Talk: Make Light Season 3, Episode 10
This week we have a great question from Yvette, about how to silence that inner critic in our head — you know the one. This required bringing in the big guns: I’m joined by the lovely Katie Horwitch, the founder of Women Against Negative Talk,