mAke the grAde

mAke the grAde

EP 135 Brian J. Roush | Marketing Matters

December 06, 2021

Brian learned from an early age the importance of making relationships. Growing up as a ‘military brat,’ he was never in one place for too long. So, he learned to make friends everywhere he went, Pennsylvania, Hawaii, Virginia, and even London, England! Some of these friendships still held today.

Later in life, fueled by his passion for people, he dove into the hospitality industry – focusing on restaurant management. Drive and enthusiasm drove him into the small business world in 2016 when he and his partner, opened a marketing & technology agency.

Knowing his strengths in networking, he started a new venture, guiding others in building their own circle of influence as a business and management consultant.

Brian enjoys spending time with his son at the local metro-parks hiking, camping, kayaking and anything that involves the outside!

Brian is backed and supported by his compassionate, dragon loving, ten-year-old son, Jackson Robert.

facebook: @c2andmore

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