Magnify More

Magnify More

Learning to Lead with Your Internal Guidance System with Dina Scippa

April 01, 2021


Join me and my incredible client and soul-sister, Dina Scippa, for a casual coffee chat on her AMAZING results she's experiences as a soon-to-be-graduate of our business container, the Magnify More Academy.

We Covered:

  • How Dina got her start in the coaching industry
  • What some of her challenges along the way were
  • What happened after she trusted her inner wisdom to join the Academy
  • The wins, celebrations, clients, opportunities, and next level frequencies she has stepped into over the last few years
  • How Dina supports women in her work around worthiness
  • If you're on the fence with investing in you, her words of wisdom to share with you

YOU can experience the same transformation as Dina in the Magnify More Academy, too. Book a no-strings attached breakthrough call with me here to see if this invite-only space is an aligned space for you:

My intention with this interview is to show YOU what's possible by witnessing yourself in Dina's story. If she can do it, so can you.

Find more of her magic here:
IG: @enoughlabs
Podcast: (listen anywhere you listen to podcasts!)

Book your free breakthrough call here: