Magnify More

Magnify More

70: Quantum Leap into Abundance with this One Action

February 03, 2021

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It is time to flip the script, my friend.

Old story:

“I can’t have this until I make this amount of money”

“I am only enough when I have xyz”

“I am never going to be happy until I have this thing”

New story:

“I get to be grateful each and every day”

“I get to honor the steps that I am taking”

“I get to appreciate the effort I am putting into my dreams”

Your life is the story you tell yourself.

On this episode of the Magnify More podcast we continue this conversation on how to quantum leap into abundance.


Where you can find more of Mickaela:

Instagram: @mickaelamcnatt

Free Facebook Community:

Follow the Community on IG: @magnifymoreandco


Share some love to the show by leaving a rating, review, and of course subscribing so you stay up to date on future episodes. And don’t forget! Take a screenshot of you listening, share it on Instagram, and tag me @mickaelamcnatt with your favorite takeaway from today’s show! I'll be back soon, but until next time, I hope you Magnify More, because girl, you deserve it.

