Magnificat Ministry Podcast

Latest Episodes
Testimony of Bishop David Toups
Testimony of Bishop David Toups Bishop David Toups was ordained and installed as the sixth bishop of the Diocese of Beaumont on August 21, 2020. Growing up as the youngest of three in both Louisiana a
Testimony of Lynn Kolodziej
Testimony of Lynn Kolodziej Lynn was born in Brighton, Michigan and was raised in a Catholic family. She attended weekly Mass and Our Mother of Perpetual Help devotions with her family. Lynns life wa
Testimony of Fr. Steven Leake
Testimony of Fr. Steven Leake Father Steven Leake is the pastor of Immaculate Conception Church in Marrero, LA. He was raised in the West Bank with 5 siblings in a devout Catholic family. He speaks hi
Testimony of Immaculée Ilabagiza
Testimony of Immacule Ilabagiza on the Catholic Speaker and Best-Selling Author, Immacule Ilabagiza Immacule Ilibagiza is a Catholic motivational speaker and Best-Sell
Testimony of Fr. Patrick LaPointe
Testimony of Fr. Patrick LaPointe Father Patrick LaPointe was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in the rural countryside. He was the youngest of 4 children. The children went to parochial school
Testimony of Sr. Judith Gomila
Testimony of Sr. Judith Gomila Sister Judith Gomila, a native of New Orleans, is a Marianite Sister of Holy Cross. In service of our church for 65 years, she is known for her practical spirituality an
Testimony of Sr. Rita Clare Yoches
Testimony of Sister Rita Clare Yoches, T.O.R. You have preserved my life from the pit of destruction (Is 38:17). That is exactly what the Lord did for Sr. Rita Clare. She went to a Catholic grade sch
Testimony of Holly Linger
Testimony of Holly Linger From an early age, Holly had a strong faith and a powerful encounter with God. Throughout the years, many life circumstances would challenge this faith. During her freshman y
Testimony of Lisa Flood
Testimony of Lisa Flood Lisa Flood is a wife, mom, and prayer warrior. A cradle Catholic from New Orleans. Disillusioned by abuse scandals within the church, her family left the church for several yea
Testimony of Mary Sampey
Testimony of Mary Sampey Mary Sampey was the youngest of 4 children in a close-knit Catholic family and was raised in Ohio. She can be described a very positive, enthusiastic and upbeat person. She at