Magical Medical Tour | Audio

Magical Medical Tour | Audio

98: Advanced Detoxification

April 29, 2014

Join us in a second conversation, see episode #95 for part 1 with Khabir Southwick, Ayurvedic Practitioner and Herbal Formulator, as we delve more deeply in to the practice of body detoxification. Learn the best strategies and be aware of the risks and benefits.

Please view other episodes with Khabir Southwick

Hosts: Dr. Glenn Wollman, Christina Souza Ma, and special guest Khabir Southwick – Airing on Tuesdays @ 10:30am PST (1:30pm EST)

Please feel free to type your questions or comments into the box at the bottom of the page (before, during or after the show.)

Related content:

  1. 95: Spring Cleaning/Spring Detoxification
