Magda Lopez Podcast

Magda Lopez Podcast

Latest Episodes

Pablo will move you
May 15, 2015

The difference between a vision and reality is the movement in between! For now he is CORPO yoga and Equinox soon he is om!

A Happy NFL Wife
April 27, 2015

A collection of truths from a wife of an NFL Celebrity, Sam Madison Number 29 (my fave) Miami Dolphins

A List of Creativity
April 14, 2015

Marketing, branding and advertising for dummies!

April 09, 2015

A break up can be a blessing. If you have a frenemy, give them flowers on the way out of toxicity.

THE GRAMO | Follow @revete
April 06, 2015

Instagram: A social app that can revolutionize you.

Happy Easter!
April 02, 2015

Wishing you a Happy Easter and a Happy life whatever that looks like to you.

The Shoe Game
March 05, 2015

When my friend David calls, I run! Shoes to Streets and a beautiful bride to be deserve our presence! It's only for the sexy people! It's a movement

Woman to Woman
February 20, 2015

A lady caller inspired me to give a shout out to all the women that need to breathe! It passes, I know.

Out of This World
February 18, 2015

Stay young forever! The real deal!

Fifty Shades of Love
February 11, 2015

Sick of Love or In the Thick of Love? Race Ya to see Mr. Christian Grey