Magda Lopez Podcast

Magda Lopez Podcast

Latest Episodes

dear boy
April 21, 2018

hey brother! they say it was gall bladder issues. i’ve got that. whether it was pancreatic sickness, alcohol abuse or just sudden death- it was a great tragedy. every day I am reminded to live with urgency.

Wrecking Ball
April 05, 2018

  If the walls in my house could talk, they would tell a wicked story!! #transcendcoralgables

meeting mark
March 26, 2018

consistency is key. the in’s and out’s of @revete in life, during #mmw and universally. wishing you a bad ass week.

Light Post for Lives
February 27, 2018

  The only way to make sure this never happens again is by coming together with love. The love of a child is the root of the problem. Learning to teach a child that anger can be dealt with in healthy ways would have saved the lives of the victims of th...

Autism and ADHD can be hacked too
January 17, 2018

Can a yellow pill help Autism and ADHD? I believe in things that can’t be explained wholeheartedly. I spent an hour talking to a scientist about this tiny pill filled with huge hope.  

The Magic Pill
January 11, 2018

    Is it possible to change your biological map? Is it possible to change the quality of your life and even the length of your life? Can weight loss, mental clarity and better endurance be just side effects? YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

KALI is her name
January 10, 2018

Whether its a steel mace or a little yellow pill or pole fitness, it’s all yoga. This podcast is for all of the people who have called me, DMed, PMed, texted about beginning the union of self with the divine. Like in religion,

Pole Play
January 08, 2018

In a world that is suffering from labels and stigma, rape and abuse towards women- I can’t think of a better time to embrace pole fitness.  I have discovered in my own practice how empowering this now Olympic sport can be physically,

she scouted me (stalked me a bit)
December 08, 2017

The Third and Best Edition of The Scout Guide Miami is almost out. Meredith (the rock star editor) and I sat down and talked Basel, bae’s and Miami. I am so excited for this edition, it talks about what a life coach does in one day. At least,

RIP Jay Marcos
November 26, 2017

  he always spoke kindly. he always supported me. he ran to my rescue a few times. he never stopped working for his community. he was insanely passionate. look at the way he looked at me. I give thanks for many things but today, I give thanks for him!