Madison BookBeat

Madison BookBeat

Freedom Dreaming with Anisa Yudawanti and Amy Wilson

March 27, 2023

Jonas Gomez Tijerino welcomes Anisa Yudawanti and Amy Wilson to discuss "What Does it Mean to Tell the Truth", written by Ms. Yudawanti’s 9th grade History students and illustrated by Ms. Wilson’s 2nd and 3rd grade Art students. This is a project which collects the musings of Madison high school students regarding the manner by which history is recounted. Whose stories are centered? Whose are left out? Whose responsibility is it to ensure that we as educators of our future leaders are telling the truth. History as it happened, not history as it pleases.

Proceeds from physical purchases of "What Does it Mean to Tell the Truth" go to Freedom Inc. It is also available online on Issuu.
