Madame Perry's Salon

Madame Perry's Salon

James Musgrave Is Back With 19th Century Mystery Where The Suspect May Be You!

April 23, 2020

The Stingaree District is the present Gaslamp Quarter in San Diego.  In 1888, when this sixth legal mystery novel, Stingaree, takes place, it’s a thriving “sin city,” where men outnumber women 5-1, and half of the city is consumptive.  Enter two daring women, attorney-detective Clara Shortridge Foltz and Dr. Charlotte Johnson Baker.  Author James Musgrave will be selecting three readers to weave into suspects to include within his mystery’s plot.  

Readers may enter this current contest to be suspects in Stingaree. Each qualification gets you one entry.  Winners will also get autographed paperback copies of the final mystery. 

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