Lynn Green - Podcast and Stories

Lynn Green - Podcast and Stories

Latest Episodes

Lynn With: Loren and Darlene Cunningham - Part 1
November 25, 2018

On Laying Foundations

On The Front Line
August 01, 2018

Refugee Crisis In Europe

The Call
August 01, 2018

The Reconciliation Walk - Session 1

The Step
July 26, 2018

The Reconciliation Walk - Session 2

The Way
July 26, 2018

The Reconciliation Walk - Session 3

The Church with two wings?
July 26, 2018

The Church with two wings? Lynn Green and his wife Marti first came to England and began the work of Youth With A Mission here in 1971. From 2004-2011 Lynn was YWAM’s International Chairman. He continues to convene YWAM’s global leadership...

Missions X Churchs
July 26, 2018

Missions x Churchs   Lynn Green and his wife Marti first came to England and began the work of Youth With A Mission here in 1971. From 2004-2011 Lynn was YWAM’s International Chairman. He continues to convene YWAM’s global leadership...

April 02, 2018

“I’m white, therefore I am a racist. I am male, therefore I am a misogynist. I speak English, so I expect everyone to speak my language.” Really?? Am I personally guilty because of the group or groups others say I belong to? Lynn Green and his...

Reconciliation Walk - Session 3
March 19, 2018

God stories with Lynn Green

Reconciliation Walk - Session 2
March 15, 2018

God stories with Lynn Green