First Thursday

First Thursday

First Thursday, April 2022

March 31, 2022

In this month’s podcast:

Meet John Chrystal. John is the president of the Newark, New Jersey Police Superior Officers’ Association and has attended LRIS seminars for many years. He’s taken the knowledge gleaned from those seminars had translated it into wins for his union. Two recent cases illustrate this.

  • City Guilty Of ‘Direct Dealing’ In Offering Retirement Incentive, City of Newark, 2022 WL 810185 (N.J. PERC 2022).
  • City Stuck With Police Director’s Grant Of Grievances, City of Newark, 2022 WL 871381 (A.D. 2022).

ADA Violated By Routine Physical, Psychological Examinations, LaCroix v. Boston Police Department, No. 19-cv-11463 (D. Mass. 2022).

The Consumer Price Index. What’s driving the current numbers, unseen for 40 years, and what do they mean for the future of contract negotiations?

LRIS wage and benefit survey.