Let’s Talk - Lozano Smith Podcast

Latest Episodes
Episode 87 Immigration Enforcement and California’s Schools
In this episode, host Sloan Simmons engages with Lozano Smith's student law experts Ed Sklar and Josh Whiteside regarding applicable laws, guidance, and anticipated developments regarding immigration
Episode 86 Update on Student Issues to Ring in the New Year – 2025!
Join Lozano Smith Student attorneys Ruth Mendyk, Alexandra Carubis, and Josh Whiteside as they discuss developments from the most recent legislative session and evaluate the impacts on California stud
Episode 85 From Campus to Closure: The Legal and Practical Approaches to School Closure
This Lozano Smith Podcast episode is the fourth and final in a 4-part series Leadership in Action, brought to you by Lozano Smith and Lozano Smiths Concierge Consulting Services, also known as CCS.
Episode 84 Understanding, Building, and Sustaining a Professional Organizational Culture
This Lozano Smith Podcast episode is the third in a 4-part series Leadership in Action, brought to you by Lozano Smith and Lozano Smiths Concierge Consulting Services, also known as CCS. In this epi
Episode 83 School Facilities and Construction Planning, Management, and Oversight: Communication, Communication, Communication
This Lozano Smith Podcast episode is the second in a 4-part series Leadership in Action, brought to you by Lozano Smith and Lozano Smiths Concierge Consulting Services, also known as CCS. Whether yo
Episode 82 The Power of Positivity in Governing Board Meetings
This Lozano Smith Podcast episode is the first in a 4-part series Leadership in Action, brought to you by Lozano Smith and Lozano Smiths Concierge Consulting Services, also known as CCS. Increasingl
Episode 81 Goal Writing in Special Education: Latest Trends and Guidance
In this episode of our podcast, host Sloan Simmons engages with Lozano Smith special education experts Aly Bivins and Josh Walden. They discuss the recent trends and guidance in the arena of goal wri
Episode 80 Oklahoma Supreme Court Blocks Establishment of Nation’s First Religious Charter School
In this episode, host Sloan Simmonsengages with Lozano Smith charter school experts Courtney de Groof and Eric Barba. The group discusses the recent Oklahoma Supreme Court decision to block the nati
Episode 79 Student Issues: What’s New for 2024-2025
Join host Sloan Simmons as he discusses new legislative enactments and trending student issues impacting the 2024-2025 school year with Lozano Smith experts Kyle Raney and Kendra Tovey. This episode
Episode 78 At Last! The New Title IX Regulations Are Here – What You Need to Know
In this podcast, host Sloan Simmons engages with Lozano Smith Title IX Practice Group Leaders Monica Batanero and Sarah Fama in a step-by-step discussion regarding the new Title IX regulations, as wel