Love, Recovery, and Rock & Roll

Latest Episodes
Detox, Rehab, & Medication-Assisted Treatment with Dr. Joel Hanson
Episode #13: Dr. Joel Hanson is a psychiatrist specializing in addiction treatment. He has both a personal and professional connection with recovery having founded both residential rehab and detox treatment centers in central and southern Utah.
Heidi’s Story: From Felonies to Family
Episode #12: Life was never easy for Heidi. At a young age, she lost her father to an electrocution accident at a construction site. Her mother began making, selling, and using crystal meth to cope. Heidi began using meth at age 11 with her mother.
Jan’s Story: SpiritWorks
Episode #11: Reverend Jan Brown, Founding/Executive Director from SpiritWorks Foundation Center for the Soul in Virginia, has not used drugs or alcohol or drugs since January 1, 1987. Her addiction began with alcohol,
Guided Meditation
S. Lee Chew, MS, CMHC, NCC leads a 10 minute meditation with a special focus on mindfulness. This meditation was created by Eric Garland, a professor from the University of Utah, and he developed a recovery program called Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery ...
Episode #10: S. Lee Chew, MS, CMHC, NCC joins us to explain mindfulness and the value of it not only in addiction recovery but in everyday life. In this episode, you will learn the difference between mindfulness and meditation,
Grief & Loss
Episode #9: What is the best way to manage grief & loss in a healthy way? Does time heal all wounds? Julia Parent, ACHMC at Turning Point shares her personal journey with grief & loss while undergoing chemotherapy.
Our Story: 6 Days in Detox
Episode #8: Find out what a week of detox is like. Hear all about Chris’s experiences during his week of detox from alcohol, benzos, meth, and opiates. From leaving the intervention and going directly to detox,
Healthy Communication
Episode #7: Mayreann Frantz, CMHC, therapist, defines different types of communication styles, shares tips & tricks for healthy communication, and provides examples of how we can have difficult, caring conversations.
Isaac’s Story: 15 Times in Rehab
Episode #6: Isaac, Chris's friend from Turning Point, discusses his journey to sobriety. He became addicted to opiates as a youth after recovering from knee surgery. It was his 15th time in rehab that he was finally able to maintain sobriety.
Insane in the Midbrain
Episode #5: Why wont you just quit? For families, friends, and loved ones of those in addiction, this question is often asked. Therapist, Dennis Woodruff, helps answer this question by explaining th