LoveLife Podcast

LoveLife Podcast

Latest Episodes

What is your ideal mate?
September 29, 2023

Most of us have a preconceived idea of what kind of person would be our ideal mate--but often we settle for someone quite different. Are our projections unrealistic or do we find that what we thought

How good a friend are you?
September 22, 2023

In this episode, Alvean and Doug explore the meaning of true friendship. Are friends always honest with one another, and, if so, how does one navigate hurt feelings? Do friends allow themselves to g

What is Intimacy?
September 15, 2023

In this frank episode, Alvean and Doug talk about intimacy, what it is, how to achieve it and how to avoid the mis-steps that can lead to heartbreak. For a complete transcript, click here: LL60-What

What Has True Love Taught You?
September 08, 2023

For those who have experienced a true and lasting love, what are the lessons from which we can all learn? Alvean and Doug talk about their own experience and those of listeners in this moving episode

The Marriage Use By Date
September 01, 2023

Folk wisdom suggests that once you pass a certain age marriage becomes less and less realistic. But folk wisdom isn't always true and what once may have been the case is no longer. Alvean and Doug t

Your Biggest Regrets
August 25, 2023

Whatever your age there is a very good possibility that you have accumulated a few regrets, things done or left undone that you wish you could change. Left unchecked those regrets can become a corros

Children From Another Relationship
August 18, 2023

When two people begin a relationship that involves children from a prior marriage or partnership things can easily become highly charged. Co-parenting is a frequently cited challenge for new couples

How Has Age Changed Your Perspectives?
August 11, 2023

Regardless of your age today, as you go through your life change is inevitable. Sometimes it is for the better and sometimes not. In this episode, Alvean and Doug talk about life's stages and phases

When there is another
August 04, 2023

In this episode, Alvean and Doug take on a fraught subject, how to navigate a relationship when there is a 3rd party involved. It could be an ex, a sibling or family member, even a child from an earl

What Men Rarely Say
July 28, 2023

In contrast to women who tend to be more emotionally accessible, men can appear to be opaque or unfeeling. The truth is that though they may not say what they are feeling most men are not immune to f