LoveLife Podcast

LoveLife Podcast

Latest Episodes

I love you just the way you are
September 21, 2024

Love can be conditional or unconditional we are told and of the two most people yearn for unconditional love. But is that ever truly the case? Can we ever be loved just the way we are or are we dest

Finding Purpose
September 14, 2024

At some point in life most of us ask ourselves the existential question, why are we here--what is our purpose in life? In this episode, Alvean and Doug talking about the journey --how individuals alo

Is That All There Is?
September 07, 2024

Tyhe first blush of a new relationship can be hot and heavy, full of chemistry and passion. But as time goes by and things fall into a routine couples might find themselves asking, "is that all there

Fight or Flight
August 31, 2024

When troubles arise in a relationship it can sometimes result in the triggering of a fight or flight response. In this episode, Alvean and Doug talk about those responses and how to avoid them. For a

In Sickness & in Health
August 24, 2024

Those words in the wedding vows about remaining together and supporting one another in sickness and in health are put to the test when serious health issues arise. How couples handle these crises say

Growing Older
August 17, 2024

Do couples grow towards each other as they grow older or further apart? Alvean and Doug discuss the ways aging can affect relationships for better or for worse and how successful couples keep the spa

After the Love
July 29, 2024

What happens when that first rush of love goes away--or diminishes in intensity. Is Love over--di you make a mistake or is this just a pause in a life filled with love? In this episode Alvean talk fr

Staying Positive in a Negative World
July 22, 2024

It can be crippling to face the news these days--but in the midst of the negativity and strife there are ways to create an oasis of calm and serenity. In this episode, Alvean and Doug discuss techniq

The Art of Persuasion
July 15, 2024

Too often couples can struggle with control issues or resort to manipulation to get their way. Both are destructive, eroding the trust and affections of both partners. Instead try persuasion. In thi

Tune in or Tune Out
July 08, 2024

Learning to listen to one another--not just hear but trul listen with your entire attention is a recipe for an enduring relationship. In this episode, Alvean and Doug talk about how we can learn to i