The Victory>The Struggle

Latest Episodes
Episode 153: Crossroads
In this episode, Jessica expounds on her last podcast, "While we wait". - She discusses the crossroads we all face in the waiting. God desires us to say, "yes" to change. Change is the barrier between
Episode 152: While we wait
In this episode, we discuss how to wait with purpose. God has a purpose for every part of our lives. Even the undesirable parts.
Episode 151: Grass is greener where you water it
I'm back!! So within the last 10 months, I've gotten married, had a beautiful babygirl and became a step-mother of 3. In this episode, we discuss how life isn't perfect just because we obtain our hear
Episode 150: My thoughts on being a whole wife for 2 weeks
Join Jessica as she discusses her transition from singleness into dating and finally married life. She will answer your big questions regarding sex and desire for the opposite sex and desire for women
Episode 149: Making room for the Holy Spirit to thrive within us.
Side Story: My amazing podcast studio engineer closed his studio last week. So I've been actively looking for a new studio to record. This is the first place I checked out..and I was less than thrille
Episode 147: Conversation with Kim Johnson
Kim and I have been friends for over 10 years. She has helped me along my journey and shares her valuable insight into the various situations we encounter leaving the LGBTQ to follow Jesus.