Love Your Work

Love Your Work

Latest Episodes

63. Peter Bragiel – Make your dreams reality (building a travel show on YouTube)
March 02, 2017

Peter Bragiel wanted his own travel show. So, he got a camera and started traveling. At first, not much happened. Peter Bragiel just kept stowing the tapes away in a box. But, eventually, his adventures got bigger, and his videos got better. He's...

62. My top rejections
February 23, 2017

Rejection hurts. Sometimes it hurts a little more than other times, but it still does hurt. But, rejection is a part of life. If you never get rejected, you’re not really trying. In 2016, I quadrupled my creative output. But, I got rejected harder...

61. Ignore Everybody. Hugh MacLeod of Gapingvoid
February 16, 2017

Hugh MacLeod (@hughcards) is a hero of mine, who helped me find my own path. It was 2004, I was sitting in a gray cubicle in Nebraska. And I discovered a PDF on the Internet called "How to be creative." I read it, and it was one of the most moving and...

60. Focus with practical minimialism
February 09, 2017

I talked about minimalism with some of my guests. I talked about it with Craig Benzine on episode 39, and with James Altucher on episode 53. I'm not an extreme minimalist. I don't count the number of things that I own, trying to keep the number down....

59. The net appears. Vinnie Lauria of Golden Gate Ventures, Singapore (leaving a secure job, traveling Asia, overcoming emotional barriers, power networking)
February 02, 2017

Vinnie Lauria found his calling after backpacking around Asia. He had just sold a company. He had just gotten married. He feared that if he spent a year traveling, he'd run out of money, and he'd run out of momentum. He worried it would be...

58. How I quadrupled my creative productivity (writing, healthy habits & routines, & facing fears)
January 26, 2017

We're well into 2017 now, and I've been reflecting on 2016. It was a great year. In fact, I more than quadrupled my creative output.   I'm just talking about words published here. I'm not even talking about the weekly episodes I published here on...

57. How Noah Kagan manages his mental energy (productivity, sleep, time management, & creativity)
January 19, 2017

Noah Kagan first appeared on Love Your Work back on episode 41. On that episode, we talked about why discomfort is your compass, and learned that Noah even makes his bed in hotel rooms. I asked Noah to come back on the show because he had a blog post...

56. See you next year. Here's why. (New Year's resolutions, & the importance of sleep & rest)
December 14, 2016

Over the past year, pretty much every week, I've released a new episode of Love Your Work. This will be my last episode this year. I'll be taking a break for a few weeks. We've come so far since exactly one year ago, when the first batch of episodes...

55. Make your bed, change THE WORLD!? (ft. James Altucher, Dan Ariely, Jason Fried, Ryan Holiday, Tucker Max, Noah Kagan & more)
December 06, 2016

There's this sort of productivity meme going around that you should make your bed. But, isn't making your bed kind of a waste? And isn't making your bed especially wasteful if you're busy? Here on Love Your Work, I've spent the past year interviewing...

54. 8 Things I Wish I Had Known About Building Online Courses (having an impact, & self-motivation through product development)
December 01, 2016

One of the best ways to impact others, while making money, is through building online courses. And, if you're considering writing a book, developing an online course is a great way to validate your idea, and see if your advice works. But, building...