Love Your Work

Love Your Work

NOTE: Blog 2 BLING! Open This Week Only

October 27, 2019

  Most online business advice I’ve seen assumes that you have perfect motivation. If you follow these steps, you’ll get this result. Well, I for one am terrible at following steps or instructions. From the first day I started on my own over twelve years ago, I’ve instead had one rule in mind: Curiosity first. I believed that if I followed my curiosity, it would take me someplace interesting. I chose this rule mostly because I struggled with self motivation. I needed to make my work more interesting than anything unproductive I might do – at the time the main threat to my productivity was playing Guitar Hero, just down the hall from my bedroom, or – choose any of millions of possible distractions in the city of San Francisco. So I chose curiosity first because curiosity is powerful fuel, but I came to learn that curiosity is also a key ingredient of original ideas. When you’re curious about a number of things, those curiosities converge. You end up with a combination that’s one of a kind. I'm sharing the methodology I've followed in a course called Blog 2 BLING! I teach all about the ways that I’ve been able to build from a simple blog, to having my own business built around my curiosities. It's open this week only, and it's available at The Blog 2 BLING! methodology is not a step-by-step process from building an MVP, to validating an idea, to building a business. Instead, it’s an iterative approach. Its main focus is getting you to do some work on your solopreneur business. From there, you build income streams, while stacking skills along the way, and building up to more complex products that are closer and closer to your core interests. It’s the approach that I’ve followed for more than a decade. If this sounds interesting to you, go check out Blog 2 BLING! It’s at Again, the course is open this week only. I’ll be taking this note down once the course closes. That’s Hope to see you in the course!