Love Speaks: The Podcast

Latest Episodes
Claude, the Passionate Dog | 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2024
From the Letter to St. James this weekend: Where do the wars and where do the conflicts among you come from? Is it not from your passions that make war within your members? You covet
What Ideology Makes us Miss | 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Why would Jesus warn people not to tell others that hes the Christ? Isnt that counter productive?
Words and What They Mean | 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time 2024
Jesus dismantles the Pharisees argument in one sentencea sentence which, as usual, makes no sense in English.
The Greatest Tragedy in History | SSPP Farewell Weekend
Farewell Homily to Ss. Peter and Paul, Naperville 10th Sunday in Ordinary Time 9 June 2024 What is the greatest tragedy in human history? Besides, of course, for the day that Steve Bartman caught
Corpus Christi and the Cult of Eden | Corpus Christi 2024
St. Thomas Aquinas: Since it was the will of Gods only-begotten Son that men should share in his divinity, he assumed our nature in order that by becoming man he might make men gods. Moreover,
Saul’s Heart (and Ours) | 5th Sunday of Easter 2024
We continue to move through this Easter season, filled with gladness and fully aware of the magnitude of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. For weeks now, weve heard of the work and faith
Strange and Difficult Roads | Good Shepherd Sunday
It is likely he will lead you by strange and difficult roads. -who knows The final question I will leave with you is this: Are Christians the masters of Christianity, deciding what it should be?
Something Unexpected | Easter 2024
Something unexpected is our only hope. (Eugenio Montale)