Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Love & Light Live Crystal Healing Podcast

Crystals for New Beginnings in the New Year

January 07, 2025

The new year is a common time to make big changes and set the stage for transformation and a fresh start. Most of us have grandiose plans at first, but quickly slip back into old habits. So how can you be sure to stick with your plans and stay on track with your goals in the new year? Try working with these top crystals for new beginnings!

Crystals work great along with your intentions for helping you reach your goals. For example, Rhodonite is a fantastic crystal for new beginnings.  To start a new routine in the new year, simply reach for a piece of Rhodonite and hold it in your hands.

Close your eyes and think about exactly what you’d like to do differently in the new year.  Visualize it in great detail - is it a new wellness routine, a commitment to read a book per week, or quitting a habit?  See it as clearly as possible, as if you can see it playing like a movie in your mind’s eye.

Once you’ve been able to visualize this new routine, hold the crystal over your heart for a moment to show gratitude to the stone. Your stone has now been imprinted, or programmed, with the information from your visualization.

Once you’ve programmed your stone, simply carry it with you, in your purse, pocket, or handbag.  
Any time you feel yourself begin to stray from your new routine, just reach for your stone for a bit of support and a reminder of that good feeling you had during your visualization, as well as a reminder of what you're working toward and why it's important to you. This will help ensure that your good intentions for creating new beginnings keep their momentum the whole year through.
Since you’ll be carrying your stone throughout the day, you’ll need to be sure to cleanse it frequently.  One of the simplest methods of cleansing is to pass it through the smoke of burning herbs. Try rosemary, mugwort, or lavender.  

A great alternative method to smoke-cleansing your stones is to ring a bell or sound a chime near your crystal.  Sound is a powerful cleanser of energy and is quick, simple, and convenient.
For more ideas, see this article on other common crystal cleansing methods.
And while you're cleansing your stones, you may wish to cleanse your space while you're at it. By allowing stagnant energy to linger in your environment, you’re inadvertently telling the Universe that you’re fine with anything in your life that feels stuck.  Clearing this energy out of your space tells the Universe that you’re ready for new energy that's more aligned with your current vision and goals.
Click Here to Check Out Our Classic Blog Post on Using Selenite & Black Tourmaline for Cleansing & Protecting Your Space so that you can welcome some new energy in the New Year!

Something important to remember is that new beginnings don't just magically happen.
Lasting change typically requires our effort and focus. Many of us remember to do simple things like routine energy cleansing. But when it comes down to energetic self-care, it’s easy to fall short. Quick and easy healing exercises are ideal (because you’ll actually DO them), but are they effective?  Let me put it this way, it's better to do little exercises more frequently because they are quick and easy than to put off energetic self-care because you don’t feel like you have time. It’s almost always better to be doing something than to do nothing at all – especially when it comes to your energetic well-being.
Click Here to Check Out Our Classic Blog Post, “3 Tips for Self-Care with Crystals” and get your New Year’s self-care routine in place now!

Do you have big dreams for your personal growth and spiritual journey but sometimes feel like you need extra guidance to stay on track? Crystals can be a powerful ally in aligning your intentions with your daily life. That’s why I’ve created the Crystal Healer’s Datebook:


This all-in-one calendar, spiritual journal, and crystal companion will inspire you to deepen your connection with crys...