Louisville Lectures Internal Medicine Lecture Series Podcast

GI Bleeds Part One (Upper) with Dr. Jordan Burlen
Dr. Jordan Burlen presents Part One of GI Bleeds by first covering Upper GI Bleeds. Stay tuned for his talk on Lower GI Bleeds!
Behind the scenes at Louisville Lectures, we have been hard at work on a new series: "Little Lectures." Based on feedback from YOU, our loyal viewers, we are excited to present an under ten-minute video series created by residents for learners. These will focus on delivering just-in-time algorithms, practical clinical knowledge and board tips on high-yield topics. These lectures will be provided by the University of Louisville Internal Medicine residents.
Some items in this lecture may have come from the lecturer’s personal academic files or have been cited in-line or at the end of the lecture. For more information, see our citation page.
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