LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Episode 293 – The Worlds They are a Changing

October 16, 2015


Cari and Layanor talk about the latest and greatest information on the world transfers, and drilling team dwarves.

Audio Version:


What We Did in Game

Layanor -

Epic Battles

Cari Mac -

Bingo Boffin Quests
Questing in Central Gondor

National Customer Service Week - Last Week


Interesting Stats from the CS team


First World Transfers are Open:


Gilrain transfers are on
World transfers off of Eldar will be available on October 5th.
World transfers off of Firefoot will be available October 6th.
World transfers off of Anduin will be available on October 12th.
World transfers off of Nimrodel will be available October 13th.
"Why don't we just open all of the servers for transfer at once?"

I am seeing this question a lot, so I want to address it. The main reason we are doing a slow roll out, is that the transfer service is limited in the number of requests it can handle at once. This is why the wait time is longer in the first 24 hours we open a new server for transfer than a couple days later. If we opened all servers at once, the service would get bogged down and wait times, during which your account is locked, would become unreasonable as everyone flooded the service. Thus we are opening one at a time, letting the wait times settle, monitoring the destination servers to make sure none are being over loaded and then moving on to the next. This method provides the smallest disruption to play time. Once the main rush of consolidation is complete, there should be no issues with normal transfer times as they are not as high demand.
We understand it is hard to wait. We are all eager to have the transfers completed and be on the brand new hardware, but patience in this case will result in a better overall experience for everyone. We are working hard to get it complete as soon as possible.

Free transfers Open form Brandywine or Evernight onto other remaining worlds available (TEMPORARY)

We have decided to open up free transfers off of Brandywine or Evernight onto the other destination worlds if players wish to use this to move to a less populated destination.

These free transfers are one way only and will be available temporarily until we turn on transfers between all of the remaining worlds after all closing worlds have had the ability to make their moves. After that point all accounts will receive 3 free transfer tokens and tokens will be required for transfers between the remaining worlds. Closing worlds will always be free and not require a token to transfer off of, forever.

We will still maintain the ability to occasionally turn on free transfers on remaining worlds for special weekends to encourage population balance. Those events will be announced before they occur.


Role Play Enforced Names

As part of the server merges, we are aware that there are many people who are entering Laurelin and Belegaer without a full understanding of the rules for a roleplay server. These servers have enforced roleplay names. This means that any name that falls outside of those rules is subject to change. This can come as a shock to those who have played for years with a name they are attached to but which falls outside of these rules.

Until December 31st 2015, we will attempt to practice a relaxed version of the naming rules as though the servers were just like the ones who do not enforce roleplay names. I would encourage those who plan to call these roleplay enforced servers their home to contact In-Game Support to request a rename token as part of a proactive approach to avoid a naming violation. In 2016,