LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Episode 288 – Cari is Unobservant

August 26, 2015

Cari and Layanor talk about World Transfers, PAX, and how unobservant Cari can be. Oh and there were lots of new buttons to push this week.

Audio Version:

What We Did in Game
Layanor -

Legendary Weapons
PVMP - New Map is dead
Epic Battles

Cari Mac -

Quested in Gondor and stuff

Transfers Began 8/19 for the remaining worlds - The they turned them off again


With the patch that has gone live this morning, we have made transfers available to players moving between the following worlds. We will be starting with opening the remaining EU world transfers this morning and then will move to remaining US worlds this afternoon.

EU: Laurelin, Gwaihir, Sirannon, Evernight, Belegaer

US: Brandywine (off world only), Gladden, Landroval, Crickhollow, Arkenstone

Transfers between these worlds will be free until October 1st. Transfers to Brandywine are currently not available, but we do intend to make them available in the coming months.

We will be opening transfers off of the closing worlds starting in the next few weeks based off the performance of this initial set.

For details and FAQ regarding the new transfer process and world closures, please see the following article: https://www.lotro.com/en/game/articles/world-transfers

We will give at least 30 days of free moves to Brandywine once it is available for transfers on to it from the other remaining US worlds, as we are doing with the other servers. As for timeline, rough estimate is Fall. The new hardware is in build out stage now, but it is not a short process and a number of factors could affect timelines on it being ready to go.

World Transfers Phase 2


We are moving onto the second phase of testing the world transfer service. Note that your participation here aids us in making world transfers a seamless process, however you are NOT required to participate in any Bullroarer tests. This time around, we want to test only transfers (not confounded by copies to Bullroarer) so:

Tomorrow (Tuesday 8/11) we will bring Bullroarer down for an update. During that time we will turn off copies to Bullroarer and wipe the Bullroarer database.

When Bullroarer comes back up tomorrow, you will be able to transfer anything already on Palantir back to Bullroarer. You will also be able to create new characters on Bullroarer and transfer them to Palantir and back. You will not be able to copy characters from the live servers. The Eyes & Guard tavern will be open to aid in creating new characters on Bullroarer.

Phase 3


Patch Notes Update 16.4



The Osgiliath Song-protector's Armour Piercing Cry cooldown reduction set bonus no longer stacks with the Hytbold Skald or Lesser Skjald of the West sets.
Upon logging in, players should receive their World Consolidation Giftboxes.

Cosmetic Weapons

Players should no longer be able to see two overlapping shields after performing an emote.
Cosmetic items should now reappear properly after performing an emote.
Burglar cosmetic weapons should no longer stay appear stealthed in combat.
Two-handed weapons should no longer disappear after dismounting a horse.

Palantir Program


The Palantir Private Preview Program is still alive and kicking. It is true that we have not had a round of application acceptances recently, but I hope we will do so in the next few months (certainly this year). We will post a request for applications as soon as we are ready.

Please do continue to send in bugs; Those of us in QA look at every player bug that is submitted.

Tentative Summer Schedule
