LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Episode 287 – Layanor is Back

August 13, 2015


Cari is joined once again by Layanor. We talk abut what's up in the LOTRO worlds, and how Imbuing can be confusing.

Audio Version:

What We Did in Game
Layanor -

Cari Mac -

Imbued Weapons

Quested in Gondor and stuff

Kinship Transfer Guide


16.3 Release Notes


There is a new launcher based transfer service for character and account item transfers. This service will be turned on slowly over the next several weeks. You can find more information on our website:
Premium and VIP players have been awarded 2 extra character slots

Tentative Summer Schedule


14-16 : Buried Treasure
21-23 : Lootbox Weekend
28 – 30 : 25% Skirmish Mark Boost

Letter from Kevin:

So listening to the podcast the other day, and you started talking about Tremors, which you guys know how much I love that movie. And not just that movie, but many many classic movies, which brings me to the point of this letter. Me and my brothers tend to communicate in a manner that averages about 5 billion movie quotes per conversational topic. And I'm lucky enough to lead a kin that I discovered loves movie quotes as well. One of my favorite things to do in-game is to blend a movie reference into something I or my fellowship is doing.

I seem to use Tremors for many of the quotes, such as:

"Watch out, those Glow Worms have a good 6 foot reach!"

"Could you. Shut. Up." (used whenever I'm talking to my brother)

"So you're telling me he just sat up there, and died of poison?" (used when someone uses a bleed of some sort on an enemy)

"You're hung up, I tell you, you're gonna burn the clutch!" (used when someone complains about lag)


Other movies that get quoted a lot is Aliens.

"Game over, man, game over! Now what are we supposed to do?" (used when we fail and instance)

This one is a personal favorite.  When some has a skill cooldown (like Rally!), and they say they have 2 minutes left on the cooldown, I'll jump in and say "2 minutes? Hey, man, I don't wanna rain on your parade, but we're not gonna last 2 seconds!"


Total Recall has a few good ones:

"Get your *bleep* to Galtrev" (censored for language).

"Hey, man, I got 5 alts to feed!"


This next example only worked once, and it was when I tried a new strategy in the Deeping Wall raid. We didn't do so well overall, and loot wasn't great. Someone asked "What are we were doing next?" right as Aragorn was calling out to clear the wall, and I shouted "Wiping this raid.... WITH NO SURVIVORS". then half the raid exploded on the wall. It was classic.


Wayne's World has some good ones too:

"Wait up, guys, I landed on my keys" (used when I am falling behind in warbands. extra awesome if I've recently gotten a sturdy key as a drop)

Ok, this letter is almost done, but i want to share a great story where I wove an epic Wayne's World 2 quote in. I had just recently filled a Deeping Wall raid, and had just begun giving people their rolls and jobs. My speech went like this (names have been changed):


"Alright, ladies and gentlemen. It takes three people to run this raid: one on the wall, and two for the sidequests. One man alone cannot do this. Dave and Gary, you will run the sidequest teams. Milton, you are my liaison between the sidequest teams and Kyle's wall team which includes myself on the catapults. To the left and right of the catapults are the machine-gun nests, belt-fed M-60 Brownings. Now these babies tend to heat up so shoot in 3 second bursts. In the event of capture I will personally distribute cyanide capsules to be placed under the tongue like so. Any questions?"


Probably the best part was a friend of mine was in the raid, and asked "uh, yeah. When did you turn into a nutbar?"


Do you guys do anything goofy like this?