LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Episode 282 – Cosmetic Weapons

July 06, 2015

Cari and Layanor are back this week. Layanor is not excited at all about the possibility of cosmetic weapons.

Audio Version:

What We Did in Game

Layanor -

Started - War in the North - Barrow Downs

Cari Mac -

Inn League Quests
There’s a new stage at the festival grounds.
Survey from LOTRO
Questing in Ringlo Vale

The 30 Day Bans


When we discovered that we could track everyone who was using this particular exploit, we put a blanket ban on everyone who had used it while we continued our investigation. Now that our investigation has been completed, we have started reducing some of the bans based on several factors including previous bans, number of times the exploit was used and a couple other factors. Before any players do have their bans altered we are placing a gold earning “garnish” on them, removing all gold they had over 20,and taking away certain items they may have earned as a result of using this exploit.

In many cases what happens to one player may not be the same as another based on severity. Beyond this we will not further discuss any disciplinary actions taken against player


Stories of Development



Update 16.2


Cosmetic Weapons Coming

PvMP Map

Adventures of Bingo Boffin


But seriously, 16.2 will enter Open beta this weekend so please go check it out on Bullroarer if you have the chance. This will include the new PvMP zone, Adventures of Bingo Boffin and Cosmetic Weapons! Live release will be mid-summer.

Update 17 is slated for the Fall. It is still to far out to be providing accurate details at this point.

Regular updates and no expansion packs is the current plan. We are doing new regions every full number update (U16, U17, etc) In between those (15.2, 16.2, etc) we are doing system work and smaller content drops like the PvMP map and Bingo Boffin.

The ranged weapons issue is a bug, I will have to look and see if that is something we have corrected, I am not sure that we have.

As for Cosmetic Weapons they work the same as cosmetic armor. You will have three new slots on your wardrobe for putting in any weapon or shield that you own. There will be some compatibility issues with certain items, but you will get a tooltip on the wardrobe for that slot telling you why they are not compatible and the visuals will default to the equipped weapon. There will be some bugs as we roll this out the first time as there are thousands of potential combos, but we are really happy to have it where it is and hope to expand upon it in coming updates.


Hotfix Explanation


Today's hotfix was to address a server issue which could cause a crash and to also resolve an issue with the LOTRO store.



Weatherstock VII

July 25th

Pre Weatherstock Concerts are going on




Shire Fest on Crickhollow


Aug 14-17

Contact Information
Email: lotro.reporter@gmail.com

Twitter: @lotroreporter

Facebook: LOTRO Reporter

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Cari  Twitter: @thecarimac

Layanor  Twitter: @Layanor