LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter 272 – Cari’s Ring Saga

April 02, 2015

Cari went to Comic Con and bought her Precious. Layanor had to put up with the girly talk. Also the players council is taking applications.
Audio Version:

What We Did in Game
Layanor - TSW


Cari Mac - TSW

Comic Con I got a ring

Apply for the 2015 Players Council



Starting today, March 26th 2015, we invite players to apply for the 2015 LOTRO Player’s Council. Don’t want to join yourself? Recommend a fellow player you feel will be a positive addition to the council. We may also select players based on their in-game and community behavior and extend an invitation even if they have not otherwise applied or been nominated. Council members will be announced at the end of April 2015. Click here for more info!


Update 15.3 Patch Notes


You can now alt-click to select, and double/right-click to equip items in the "Legendary Items" panel.
The OSX Launcher will no longer download all the splash screens every time you start it. It does make an HTTP request for each splash screen to see if you have the most recent one on disk each time.
Morskor in Barad Guldur will no longer become invisible every time he takes flight.
The player music system has been spruced up a bit. There are new sounds for the bagpipe, clarinet, flute, horn, lute, pibgorn, and theorbo. We will continue to gather feedback on this system and make any needed adjustments.


Instances Closed


Grand Stairs, Storm on Mathedras and Icy Crevasse

We have closed these down due to some unintended behaviors, in particular with the end bosses and not being able to complete the instances. At this time we do not yet have an ETA as to when they will be available again.


The Mirkwood Landing Quest Deed will complete for everyone with Update 16.


I have an update for this issue -- when you log in for U16, the optional quests will have been removed from the 'Mirkwood Landing' deed, which means it should complete for anyone who's finished 'Hilltop Assault,' the quest that you do to leave the Landing. Sorry for the delay!

No worries, it's confusing (which is why it took awhile to figure it out on our end). Basically, the deed is listening for three quests to complete, but only one of those quests is on the main-line path through Mirkwood Landing. It's entirely possible to miss those optional quests for one reason or another, and because of the way the Landing works, if you missed them on your first time through, there's no way to go back and ever get them. So you'd be stuck with an uncompletable deed in your deed log.

If you already finished this deed, there'll be no change for you. You already got the deed reward, and you won't need to worry about anything.

If you're already out of the Landing and didn't do the optional quests, when you sign in after U16 is live your deed should complete, since you've done 'Hilltop Assault.' You'll get the deed rewards and won't need to worry about an incomplete deed.

If you haven't gone to the Landing yet, once you do, you can do the optional quests if you want! They're still there. But once you leave the Landing by completing 'Hilltop Assault,' your deed will complete and you'll get the deed rewards.

There's also a deed for defeating enemies in that area ('Headcount'), but that one also listens for monsters in the normal Mirk-eaves area, and shouldn't cause any problems.



How to Be an Intern at Turbine:
