LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Episode 270 – Layanor You There?

March 13, 2015

Cari starts the show with Layanor, and then has to talk to herself.

Audio Version:

What We Did in Game

Layanor - Did epic battles with a few listeners of the show



Cari Mac



Music System


Devs were on Bullroarer today for a couple of hours to listen to the issues that music players were having with dropped notes.


No Rangers for You


I love this answer to why no Rangers (from a forum member) “Ranging was serious business, they were really serious guys. (I mean really serious, like Special Forces types - Theoden said they made his warriors look like boys). So, way too cool to be going around picking up sticks for Dwarves and all the other random stuff an MMO like this has characters doing.”
MOL Response: The original reasoning for not using Ranger as a playable class was indeed because we wanted them to stand apart, and they have their own duties which don't mesh perfectly with the things we were asking of adventurers. That was back before the Grey Company storyline, so we weren't dealing with nearly as many Rangers as we are now, but even then the idea was that the playable classes should be more archetypal than specific groups from the book. Beornings, of course, are all from the same family, so that's not to say that we couldn't craft an experience to explain why a freshly-playable Ranger is deviating from the duties we know he has in order to live the adventuring life... just that we probably wouldn't.


How are Things in Bree?


Dynamic Layering set to a lower level






Winter and Spring Events Tentative


20 – 22: Buried Treasure
27- 29: 25% Craft XP


Did you Know


Bound to Account Items and non Bound items don’t stack together.




Contact Information

Email: lotro.reporter@gmail.com

Twitter: @lotroreporter

Facebook: LOTRO Reporter

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YouTube:  http://www.youtube.com/user/mmoreporternetwork




Cari  Twitter: @thecarimac

Layanor  Twitter: @Layanor