LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Episode 267 - Let’s Solo the Rift

February 19, 2015


Cari and Layanor talk and talk while Layanor runs the Rift and doesn’t die. Honest.


Audio Version:


What We Did in Game


Working on Roaming Threats Deed

First Ager for my Warsteed

Pelargir rep   –       Low  Ally

Ringlo Vale red –   High  Friend

Dor-En Ernil –        Low  Ally


Cari Mac

Leveling Beorning on Landroval – 20

Undying Title

Forgotten How Many quests there were in the Northern Bree Fields Area

Listened to the Tolkien Professor at Ales and Tales



Discussion Topic:

5  Things We No longer Suffer From in LOTRO




15.2.4 Bullroarer Notes


  • Music system changes have been made to address dropped notes while playing abc music files.
  • Roving threat mobs have been made slightly more difficult (the mobs have slightly reduced health but will do more damage on each attack.)
  • The Pelargir bosses (6-man) have been fixed.

Server Downtime 2/18/15 Update 15.2.1



Winter and Spring Events Tentative


  • 13-19: Skirmish 25% Mark Acq. Boost
  • 27-March 1st: Lootbox Weekend



  • 6 – 8: Hobnaniganss
  • 20 – 22: Buried Treasure
  • 27- 29: 25% Craft XP

Did You Know




The end of an Era:



New Fashion Site



From Synny – Hello Layanor! Love your podcasts, glad your back. I’m sure i’m just one of a billion fans, but really glad you’re playing the secret world as well. I listen to both MMO Reporter and LOTRO Reporter on my bus ride. LOTRO Reporter is a lot of fun, even when there is no news going on. You and carrie have good chemistry, and you guys can pronounce words correctly!

I am disappointed because i play a lore master, and they made a bear CLASS! I have like 20 bears, and i just wish turbine would give me the beorning’s skill bar everytime I summon a bear! lol!

I don’t care for the skill trees for LM’s. Making us pick between dps/control/healing sucks. We used to be able to do it all.

Carrie wont like this but cosmetic pets bug me from a LM point of view. My daughter pointed out to me one day, that a beorning is actually more lore appropriate than a lore master is, so i guess i can’t make that argument, but they used to say only lm’s can have pets!


Contact Information:

Email: lotro.reporter@gmail.com

Twitter: @lotroreporter

Facebook: LOTRO Reporter

Voicemail: 616-666-6778 or the widget on the right side of the screen when you visit the site.

YouTube:  http://www.youtube.com/user/mmoreporternetwork




Cari  Twitter: @thecarimac

Layanor  Twitter: @Layanor