LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Episode 264 - Layanor is Back!

February 02, 2015


Cari and Layanor talk about Bullroarer Update 15, killing Beornings named Bearazar, and watched Layanor die in the moors.


Audio Version:

What We Did in Game



Cari Mac

Made BerryMac the Beorning



Server move clarifications



15.2 patch notes Bullroarer



15.2.1 patch Notes Bullroarer Only


Roving threats: Weapon rewards received via barter are now Bind on Acquire.

ABC files should now be playable.

The Anniversary festival is now turned on.

The minimum levels of Mathoms and Well-Kept Mathoms has been reduced to 20.


15.2.2 Patch Notes Bullroarer Only


  • Fixed an issue where class specific essences could benefit any class. These essences will now only apply their benefits if you are the listed class.
  • Roving Threat Rewards: First Age maces now look like maces instead of clubs and 2-handed swords look like swords instead of axes
  • Roving Threats: Balanced roving threat mob damage and health


Calling All LOTRO Streamers


Do you like to stream LOTRO?

Do you stream regularly? Are you looking to grow your audience? If you answered yes* to any of these questions, we want you to join the Lord of the Rings Online Community Stream Team! (*or if you stream regularly and feature Lord of the Rings Online or are looking to introduce the game to your existing audience.)

Members of the Lord of the Rings Online Community Stream Team will gain access to certain benefits designed to help grow their audience including:

Free Turbine Point codes and items for giveaways

Opportunities to have some of the game’s devs join your stream

Promotional support

We’re looking for players of all levels who stream regularly each week. Send your Twitch username, Community name, server and the normal times that you stream to stream@lotro.com for consideration. We will be watching and reaching out to potential streamers to join our team.


Lag info requested Brandywine


Players of Brandywine!

Please help me in gathering some data around the lag you are seeing in game.

If you can, please post to this thread answering the following questions:

1. What time of day do you experience lag?

2. What zones/ regions/ instances are you in at the time?

3. Are there a number of other players in your field of view when you experience it?

4. What approximate region of the real world are you located in?

Thank you very much! This data will help us make some important decisions about player migrations and hopefully help remedy the issues you are seeing.




Thank you everyone for this feedback. It has given me valuable information and I am now investigating a potential cure for some of what you might be seeing. As one person pointed out, lag can mean many things for many people but many of these answers do lead me to one potential culprit that could relieve some of it.


15.2 Music System Update


We believe that the dropped notes issue has been fixed or significantly reduced in the version that we will next put out to Bullroarer (late in the week as we are contending with a blizzard) We however can not test in house all the different ways you could be putting together a band with all the instruments and variety of size. We think part of this problem could be a limitation of the number of notes that can be played at one time. If we can get an idea of the number of instruments and types you are using when you see this bug we will have a better chance of confirming.


New Resident of the Great Smials?




Winter and Spring Events Tentative


  • 23 – 25: 25% Craft XP
  • 30 – February 1st: 25% XP Welcome Back Weekend


  • 6 – 8: Hobnanigans
  • 13-19: Skirmish 25% Mark Acq. Boost
  • 27-March 1st: Lootbox Weekend


  • 6 – 8: Hobnanigans
  • 20 – 22: Buried Treasure
  • 27- 29: 25% Craft XP



Comment from Braag:

SPOILER Alert on the Episode Title! From your description, I was guessing Chris was in Minas Eriol where he went Right instead of left. Yeah, that might have helped, but so would have questing in the Old Forest, Barrow Downs, Adso’s Camp or Northern Bree Fields where he was SUPPOSED to be at Lvl-18.5!!! Well, he will get to know his beginner Bear skills well this way! Next time he should insist on a personal escort at all times from level-18 onwards!!! Historically speaking he does not level so quickly that he can afford excessive repeats!

Cheers, Braag of Vilya


Letter from Kevin:

Hello, Lotro Report!

I figured I’d stop by and send my first letter of the new year. Well, I started a Beorning after hearing about how over powered they are. I lounged around at the starting zone (it’s very pretty), but once I completed the intro, I decided to test my grit in Middle Earth! So after being ported to the gates of Bree, I immediately turned East and journeyed to Eregion, to challenge myself to the peak of my abilities. I died shortly after entering the Lone Lands.

As for my hunter, I’ve taken on further challenges in Epic Battles. Getting a platinum completion in Retaking Pelargir was not too difficult, so I had to invent more challenges, the hardest being a Helm’s Dike Fellowship that I and a Champion completed as a full platinum run (just the two of us running and DPSing our butts off.)

As for a discussion topic, what are your thoughts on the group instances hinted at in the producer’s letter? I’m all for it, but I am honestly more concerned with the loot system. There are already lots of instances to choose from (scale Moria already!), but even with all the choices, there isn’t much need to run anything, since the loot is very poor.

Thanks for your time, I’m off to go watch Krull, the fantasy classic!


From Amavocet:

Baby Got Bear

By Sir Hits-a-Lot


I like bear butts and I cannot lie.

You other classes can’t deny

That when a bear walks in with an itty-bitty brain

And a round thing in your face

You get sprung, wanna pull out your spear

‘Cause you notice that butt ain’t sheer.

But it’s covered with her fur,

And I’m hooked and it’s all just a blur.


Contact Information

Email: lotro.reporter@gmail.com

Twitter: @lotroreporter

Facebook: LOTRO Reporter

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