LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter - 2014 Prediction Show

December 27, 2014


Cari and Layanor look into their crystal balls and come up with what they think will happen in LOTRO in 2015. Find out who won last years predictions. Hint: She was right.

Audio Version:


Predictions for 2014

Cari’s Predictions

  • The Path’s of the Dead will be part of an instance pack     1
  • We’ll get a new festival                                                        1
  • There will finally be a new hobby – golf                               0
  • We’ll finally, finally get a new class                                     1
  • We won’t be getting much in the way of cosmetics until they figure out how to handle the inventory issue.                                                                  1
  • They will break apart the Rift.                                              0


Layanor’s Predictions

  • Moria instances will get scaled                                         0
  • Our first step into Gondor will be sesion play      0
  • No new 12 man instances 1
  • Trollshaws revamp 1
  • PVMP Map revamp 0
  • Revamping or adding in new Bounties 1


Chris Predictions

  • The housing revamp will not be very exciting and players will be thoroughly underwhelmed.                                                             1
  • We will see more expansion within the already available land mass. No new zone (even mini-zone ala Great River) will be added to the game.          0
  • At least one festival will get a total revamp.                           1
  • New hobby – Horseshoes                                                       0
  • ENT PLAY!                                                                             1


2015 Predictions

Cari Predictions

  • 4 Updates
  • 2 New Big Battles
  • Minas Tirith will be Instanced

    • 6 Man at the top

  • Ues Mounted Combat in the Pelagrir Fields – Be Instanced
  • Level 110
  • No More Ugly Blanket Horses
  • Still get the Robes
  • A New System of Some Kind i.e. collection, LI, etc

Layanor’s Predictions

  • Moria instances will get scaled
  • A new elvin only class
  • Angmar revamp
  • PVMP Map revamp
  • Updated Conjunction System
  • One new epic battle
  • Four new skirmishes


Contact Information

Email: lotro.reporter@gmail.com

Twitter: @lotroreporter

Facebook: LOTRO Reporter

Voicemail: 616-666-6778 or the widget on the right side of the screen when you visit the site.

YouTube:  http://www.youtube.com/user/mmoreporternetwork





Cari  Twitter: @thecarimac

Layanor  Twitter: @Layanor

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