LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Episode 257 - My Beorning’s Butt is Big

November 14, 2014

Cari and Layanor talk about Update 15, big butts and epic battles. Cari is such a dedicated podcaster she finished the show without power.

Audio Version:

What We Did in Game




Leveled my Beorning



Update 15 Patch Notes


  • Beornings are here! Every new Beorning character will start in the brand new starting area: Vales of Anduin. Visit Grimbeorn’s Lodge while you get comfortable with your own strength.
  • Beornings are designed to be a dynamic skin-changer class. Their basic skills emphasize the difference between human and bear forms. There are skills available in three different ways: those available in man form; those available in bear form; those available in any form.
  • Pelargir Epic Battle: Retaking Pelargir is a new type of offensive Epic Battle where you help Aragorn’s forces defeat the Corsairs at Pelargir. Available in solo/duo mode (with fellowship option coming soon), face a new enemy type, Epic Foes, new barterable rewards, and witness the Army of the Dead annihilate the Corsair host.
  • We have added a new character chat restriction: All new free characters must wait 3 hours of in-game time before they will be able to use world chat and all user created chat channels (such as glff). All other channels will be available to them. Once players have reached this three hour time limit, they will need to relog in order to then join the chat channels. Please note: This change ONLY affects free players and all times and restrictions are subject to change.
  • When in a raid, the Instance Finder UI will now properly gray out any specific instances that cannot be accessed by other members of your raid group.
  • The raid skirmish quests should now be correctly bestowing on players at level 100, making it so that they can correctly loot the skirmish raid reward chests and see the roll/pass, need/greed/pass, and master loot work correctly.
  • Fixed a problem where skirmish raid chests could be looted with Free-for-all rules, regardless of the player eligibility or fellowship settings


Update 15.1 Patch Notes


  • Music System: We have fixed the squeaky A#4 Clarinet note
  • Beornings in bear form now have unique faces that display the painted designs seen in man form
  • During Volume 4 Book 2 – Chapter 2: Two Messengers: some of the Corsairs had rings who shouldn’t have. This should now be resolved.
  • Volume 4 Book 2, Chapter 3: Balakhor the Scourge: Captain Noreth should now always be waiting for you on the boat.
  • Big Battles – Pelargir – Quests – Archer Thisarti and Okurauo the Minstrel quests should now complete after killing the required enemies


Update 15 Known Issues



WB Plans More Layoffs



We Want your Top 10 Bugs


Just like the title says, we want your top 10 list of bugs or things in the game that have bugged you for a while now. We are not talking about class balance or skill x being op, but rather things that are busted or never quite worked right. Think of them as “Quality of life†fixes. These items may not have stopped you from playing, but you sure wish they were fixed.

So post your list in this thread and let us know. After some time we will compile the list and see about getting some items fixed in an upcoming update.


Season’s Greetings


The Code Blue is asking that we update our name and address on the forums. There might be goodies arriving for the holidays.



  • 14-16: 25% Mark Acq. Boost
  • 21-23: Lootbox Weekend
  • 26 – December 4th: 25% Bonus XP


  • 5 – 7 : Hobnanigans
  • 12 – 14 : Buried Treasure
  • 16- January 15th : Winter Festival


 Letter from Kevin: 9.0

 As soon as Central Gondor was done installing, the first thing I did was launch the Retaking Pelargir epic battle. I had my worries, such as hoping it wasn’t just an offensive skirmish, but I was pleased with the instance. It definitely felt like how the Helm’s Deep instances felt, very choppy and needing work, but I’m certain there will be constant tweaks to it in the coming weeks. I encountered two bugged quests, but oh well, there were a good 10 bugged quests when HD went live. These things don’t bother me much.

 What does bother me is the insanely low cost of gold jewelry! It’s 750 Stars of Merit for one piece, which sounds like a lot, but after doing just 3 instances (Pelargir, Helm’s Dike duo, Deeping Wall duo), I already had 250 Stars of Merit. After doing Deeping Coomb, both sizes of Glittering Caves, Hornburg, and Deeping Wall raid, I was sitting with 625 Stars of Merit. If I had done multiple runs of the raid, to get all the sidequests, I would easily have been able to go and get some jewelry.

 A couple things to mention: I will not be doing all the Epic Battles daily like I did the first day. That was just to see how many I can get. But, I’m sure there are players that would be up to that challenge, and it’s saddening that end-level jewelry that was so insanely hard to get before, has become something that can be achieved in a short amount of time. In one week, you can get a complete set of gold jewelry.

 And on top of this, the new boxes that drop from some of the instances can reward Supreme Essences, 1st Age Symbols, Stat Tomes, and Gold Essence jewelry, plus all the marks and medallions. It seems a bit overkill for rewards.

 Am I being too picky? I know the old way of getting gold jewelry was a long, painful process, but when I would get a good raid together, and we’d work at getting a full platinum run, seeing that gold color scroll by in the chat log was truly awesome. The sense of accomplishment was enough to keep me leading that raid multiple times a week.

 Perhaps the prices now are because we are already halfway through the level cap. In a few months, the cap will be raised again, and the gold jewelry will need to be replaced. Maybe when levels increase again, the price for jewelry will increase as well, since we will be starting fresh, and can be expected to stay at that level for many months after that.

Thanks for listening!


XMAS Party

Operation Hardi Claus is our annual big community event hosted by Roxxi Manor where we give out crafted crit weapons, class items and food stuffs to lower level players. We start 2-3 weeks before Yule Tidings and it runs for about a week afterwards. Lots of music, fireworks, dancing and merry making by our Roxxi Volunteer Elves! Our official kick off is Dec 6, 6pm EST & a few Devs had said they would try to show up to show their support for the LOTRO community. We have also informed Frelorn, the new Community Manager, of this as well.  We will start in Combe and move to Archet, Staddle, Thorins Hall, & Celondim. We have a large band that will bring out the Christmas music, fireworks, dancing, and just all around fun. We will be in these starter areas several nights a week. So be sure to look out for us! We have done this every Yule season since the game started and will continue to do so til the servers shut down!

Thank you,

Kin Leaders Hardiroxx & Saxiroxx, Officers/Council RM


Contact Information

Email: lotro.reporter@gmail.com

Twitter: @lotroreporter

Facebook: LOTRO Reporter

Voicemail: 616-666-6778 or the widget on the right side of the screen when you visit the site.

YouTube:  http://www.youtube.com/user/mmoreporternetwork




Cari  Twitter: @thecarimac

Layanor  Twitter: @Layanor