LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Episode 254 - Halloween Epic Battles

October 24, 2014

Cari and Layanor talk about turning into a bear, Epic Battle shtuff, and spooky scary Halloween Concerts.


Audio Version:

What We Did in Game



  • Touched on the moors
  • Epic Battles
  • Going to start the festival



  • Leveled on my Landy Mini
  • I hate the Dead Marshes – The Quests Suck



Beorning Question


But a question are we going to get class armour npcs, LI vendors for moria LIs and the Iron Garrison Guards ‘old legendary trait’ now class point deed book?


Made of Lions: I believe that the old traits/Class Points from Moria are instead distributed through the L15, L30, and L45 Beorning Class Quests — other classes don’t get points from those quests, but Beornings do. I don’t know about vendors or class armour, though.


Fall Festival is Live

Another Blanket Horse


Frelorn is livestreaming.




  • 21 – November 2nd: Fall Festival


  • 7 – 9: Hobnanigans
  • 14-16: 25% Mark Acq. Boost
  • 21-23: Lootbox Weekend
  • 26 – December 4th: 25% Bonus XP


  • 5 – 7 : Hobnanigans
  • 12 – 14 : Buried Treasure
  • 16- January 15th : Winter Festival


3 Mans




Letter from Kevin 8.0

You were absolutely correct in assuming I am anxious to try out the new Epic Battle.

I wanted to bring up a couple complaints that I’ve heard about Epic Battles:

1. I don’t get to play my class in them.

I don’t intent to sound harsh here, but what are people doing in them if not playing their class? In the 3-person, 6-person, and especially the raid, all the classes are needed. When adds are attacking squishy targets, a tank forcing aggro off of the targets is key to a successful run, and healing those targets is also necessary. Can’t do that as a hunter! And lately as a hunter, I’ve been playing as Vanguard, and it boosts my DPS so high, it makes me feel like an atomic bomb. DPSers should love Epic Battles.

2. I just stand around and wait for the instance to complete.

With some careful use of a catapult or ballista, you end up flipping this into an offensive attack. By doing this in the raid, I have been able to get a full platinum run with only 10 people. There is no standing around at all, even with all 12. I also do this in Helm’s Dike duo, and have been able to squeeze this instance down into a short 12 minutes.

3. They are too long.

Same answer as above. Every single instance can be sped up to complete much faster, sometimes too fast.

4. I keep getting the same rewards over and over.

I totally agree with this, and it seems to be getting a nice change in the next update. One thing to add here: if you only do the duo size Epic Battles, it will take a long time to get any rewards. But since my kin has been doing the raid about 3-4 times a week, I have been seeing on average 1 gold jewel drop each run, and two 1st age symbols. The best run I’ve seen for rewards was 3 gold jewel items and 5 1st age symbols all in one run. My biggest fear with the new reward system for Epic Battles is that it will be too easy to get gold jewelry. These are the best items in the game, and deserve hard work to get.

I’m not just an Epic Battle player, I enjoy some of the classic runs as well. Lost Temple is a very unique instance, and Bells of Dale is gorgeous. And I have high hopes for the Minas Tirith instances, if there are any. I would love to see an Epic Battle/Classic Instance mix in the future. Best case scenario: a raid where some players are mounted on the Pelannor Fields, fighting Oliphaunts, while others are driving the orcs out of the city, and others are in towers, firing catapults out into the field, helping the mounted players.

Thanks for listening, and keep up a great podcast.

PS. Anaconda was terrible.


XMAS Party

Operation Hardi Claus is our annual big community event hosted by Roxxi Manor where we give out crafted crit weapons, class items and food stuffs to lower level players. We start 2-3 weeks before Yule Tidings and it runs for about a week afterwards. Lots of music, fireworks, dancing and merry making by our Roxxi Volunteer Elves! Our official kick off is Dec 6, 6pm EST & a few Devs had said they would try to show up to show their support for the LOTRO community. We have also informed Frelorn, the new Community Manager, of this as well.  We will start in Combe and move to Archet, Staddle, Thorins Hall, & Celondim. We have a large band that will bring out the Christmas music, fireworks, dancing, and just all around fun. We will be in these starter areas several nights a week. So be sure to look out for us! We have done this every Yule season since the game started and will continue to do so til the servers shut down!


Thank you,

Kin Leaders Hardiroxx & Saxiroxx, Officers/Council RM


Farmer Pierson’s 3rd Annual Harvest Party: Sat. October 25th @ 9PM ((Landroval))

Mark your calendars!!

Farmer Pierson invites you to his 3rd Annual Harvest Party!

Saturday, October 25th

9:oo pm to Midnight

At Farmer Pierson’s Home (South of Bree, near the skirmish camp)

On Landroval

Music by Animal House


[Crickhollow] Come to the Haunted Hill–October 26th

Second Breakfast will be hosting our 5th Annual Halloween event on Sunday, October 26th at 1pm EDT (server time)/17:00 GMT. Europe and Mexico set their clocks back that morning while the Americans and Canadians are still on daylight savings, so make sure to take note of the time change. We’ll start things off at the Party Tree, but we’ll be migrating to neighbouring locations for each activity. To keep track of us and all announcements just /joinchannel event


This year’s costume contest will be judged by Gloredh of Wandering around Arda and Starry of The Starry Mantle, two of the premiere Lotro fashion bloggers.


  • Our categories:
  • Spookiest
  • Most original
  • Best duo (including mounts) or group


Horrorfest 2014 Landroval

10/31 and 11/1 – Lots of bands



[Laurelin] Halloween concert – October 26th 2014

The Order of the White Flame is proud to announce it’s next public Concert, scheduled for Sunday, October 26th at 20:00 CET (19:00 GMT, 15:00 EST) held at the Entrance to the Haunted Hill in the Shire’s Autumn Festival Grounds.


Date:October 26th, 2014

Time:20:00 CET, 19:00 GMT, 15:00 EST (US) (notice winter time will kick in before this evening)

Location:The Fall Festival Grounds at the Party Tree in the Shire


MMO Reporter is joining Extra Life. We are playing Wildstar for 24 hours as Chua whatever we want to be. Donate at: http://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.team&teamID=17007


Contact Information

Email: lotro.reporter@gmail.com

Twitter: @lotroreporter

Facebook: LOTRO Reporter

Voicemail: 616-666-6778 or the widget on the right side of the screen when you visit the site.

YouTube:  http://www.youtube.com/user/mmoreporternetwork




Cari  Twitter: @thecarimac

Layanor  Twitter: @Layanor

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