LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Episode 252 - Layanor is Back

October 13, 2014

Layanor is back. He and Cari talk about the LOTRO Lore Livestream, and read some mail.


Audio Version:

What We Did in Game


Only touched on some PVP

Got two first agers




Got Ali of Brandywine to level 100

Still in Blackroot Vale



Frelorn is livestreaming.



Link to Tolkien Professor Livestreaming Oct 1


Oct 1



Info on Future updates from Rohan


We have separate updates in mind for the Siege of Minas Tirith and the Battle of Pelennor Fields, so I’m not worried about missing major items there. Epic Battle may not be the only format, I expect us to use the right tool for the right job (Epic Battle, Landscape Quest, Instances, Skirmishes, etc…)

Instead we’re focusing on major highlights. In our current spot in the timeline some events are separated only by hours, so we have to take some liberties to maintain your flow through the story but also hit those high points. If anything entire updates now often cover a period of only a day or two, perhaps even hours.

One of the things we’re discussing now, for example, is the Battle of Osgiliath. Where we are in Gondor you’d arrive after the battle. Is it worth translocating you in time to experience it? How about the Ride of the Rohirrim?

Ultimately I think we’ll find solutions to add many of these key points. The team is passionate about the story, and we have many, many major events to relate now that Sauron’s darkness is spreading over the world.



  • 21 – November 2nd: Fall Festival


  • 7 – 9: Hobnanigans
  • 14-16: 25% Mark Acq. Boost
  • 21-23: Lootbox Weekend
  • 26 – December 4th: 25% Bonus XP


  • 5 – 7 : Hobnanigans
  • 12 – 14 : Buried Treasure
  • 16- January 15th : Winter Festival


3 Mans

Iobers Peak XX

Sword Halls




Dwarvish (neo-khuzdul) lessons on the Laurelin Server.


These lessons are based on Tolkien’s original Khuzdul, additions by linguist David Salo (the Khuzdul spoken in the Hobbit movies), the khuzdul seen in LoTRO and studies by The Dwarrow Scholar.

This is a Dwarf ONLY event (it is a secret language after all).  So anyone that ever wanted to learn a bit of dwarvish, now is your chance!

Not on Laurelin yet? don’t have a dwarf char yet ? Roll yourself a dwarf and come on over to Laurelin… you will be most welcomed.

When? Every month a new lesson, first lesson is on October 16th (thursday) at 3PM Server Time. (Each lesson will last about 90 minutes)

Where? 5 Stonemirks street Ulfirth Home Stead, Thorin’s Hall

How? The event is a RP event and will thus be done entirely in RP fashion.  (one dwarf teaching others the language of their fathers – FYI some dwarves did not speak Khuzdul by the end of the Third age, so fits nicely with lore) – Voice chat will be used to learn how to pronounce the words (yet this is optional and not a requirement).

Who? The lessons are made by and given by the Dwarrow Scholar http://dwarrowscholar.mymiddleearth.com  – attendees will receive class material (via email). – Every dwarf character is welcomed ((for all levels, even if you have never spoken a word of (neo-)khuzdul in your life.))

Sign-up is not required, merely be present on time.

Questions ? Send an in game letter to Kandral on Laurelin

Thank you and hope you’ll enjoy the neo-khuzdul lessons!



Letter from Kevin Bergman

Well, after that long and painful journey of trying to earn a full platinum completion in the Deeping Wall raid, I can now say I’ve hit my stride, and have completed it multiple times! Now my only goal is to try to fill all my jewelry with Gold items (that’ll keep me busy for a few years). I have only gotten 2 gold jewelry drops since level cap has reached 100, and I am still wearing one of my lvl 95 gold items.

I’ve attached a link to a Youtube channel I created for my Lotro character. I recorded several full platinum runs as a tool for my kinmates, so that they could see how I set up the instance and organize the raid. Sadly, my recording program either only records my voice, or the voice of fellowship members, never both. So what I do is just record an audio and paste it over the video, which makes it more of a commentary, but I guess it gets the job done.


Have you tried out the essence system at all? I’ve only built essence gear for my main, since it is a painful process, but I do believe that it is better than any other armor. The ability to personalize armor like that is awesome. I ended up making two separate gear sets, one that is more for traditional raiding and questing, and one that is purely for HD instances. I literally used only Agility and Physical Mastery essences on the HD armor. Since the enemies don’t attack you, I can safely stand in the middle of the fight and deal out massive DPS.

I had planned to have more questions for you, but I am currently distracted by the movie Anaconda on Netflix, and my memory has failed me.


Letter from

- Manolor, Landroval

- Feralir, Windfola

Must have Snow Cub

Hello dedicated podcasters! You collectively rock. You individually rock too. Let’s not leave out any rockiness of any kind, collective or individual.

I just wanted to write to you to remind everyone that Extra Life is coming up soon. You are probably currently working on an extra-life fundraiser of your own, but do your listeners know that if Rick Heaton ((Sapience) hits $55,000 anyone who donated $25 gets a ghost cub pet account wide, and if he hits $85K they get a cub that sets off a snow effect?

There are a lot of LOTRO goodies he gives away for $5 donations too, most of which are already unlocked.

I recommend visiting this page http://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.participant&participantID=88974

and drooling. There are account wide mounts, titles, cloaks, etc etc etc.

I have my own extra life page too, but you can bet I donated to this one. I’m just shamelessly plugging for him, because those bear cubs deserve an existence too. How can we lose? Bear pets and helping sick kids?

For the KIDDSSSSS!!!!! And the BEARSSSSS!

– Manolor, Landroval

– Feralir, Windfola

MMO Reporter is joining Extra Life. We are playing Wildstar for 24 hours as Chua whatever we want to be. Donate at: http://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.team&teamID=17007


Contact Information

Email: lotro.reporter@gmail.com

Twitter: @lotroreporter

Facebook: LOTRO Reporter

Voicemail: 616-666-6778 or the widget on the right side of the screen when you visit the site.

YouTube:  http://www.youtube.com/user/mmoreporternetwork




Cari  Twitter: @thecarimac

Layanor  Twitter: @Layanor

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