LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Podcast

LOTRO Reporter Episode 249 - We’re Back from PAX

September 21, 2014


Cari and Laynor are back!!! Turbine decided to release news while we were on vacation and at PAX.


Audio Version:

What We Did in Game

Layanor (L’Homme sans Pantalon!)


Did some moors on the vacation. Still not 50%


The Bad Bad Cari-Mac


Leveling on My Minis


Music System Update Coming in U15


Existing Instruments:

-pitch adjustments

-volume adjustments

-Balance adjustments

-tuning pass –which already sounds awesome.

We have a couple of stretch goals-so no promises!! NO PROMISES.

-New Instrument- String Bass-with sustained notes.

-New Instrument-Serpentine- Play the dragon.

IF/when we do new instruments they will be for the ABC system only and not for Minstrel skills. Sorry, but that is the compromise we need to make.

-Stages in the world. Yes one that can be spawned in on Weathertop for events is considered.


September Deals are Back



Update 14.2 Dropped Yesterday 9/15


Of Special Note

The Dead Marshes

  • The Steward of Gondor has sent Artamir, son of Ilcamir, to the Dead Marshes on a mysterious errand. Unfriendly eyes have tracked him to that vile swamp, and your quest is to hurry him on before his presence causes great mischief to another important mission…

  • Did Frodo and Sam come this way? After concluding Artamir’s story, engage in a session play experience to learn what befell the two hobbits as they crossed the Dead Marshes in the company of their treacherous guide…

Collection system

  • Track your collections of steeds, pets, even different chickens and other objects throughout all of Middle-earth!

Skirmish Soldiers & Traits

  • Many of the traits for Skirmish Soldiers have been increased across all of their ranks. Soldier DPS has increased and any Ultimate skills that do damage now have a non-common damage type (as noted in the tool-tip now). Soldiers are more effective now, as most of their traits have increased.
  • Skirmish soldiers can now be trained up to rank 50 (increased from 45). To unlock these ranks players will need to purchase the “Skirmish Trait Max Rank: 50†item available in the store.


    • Changed the cost for the level 65-95 IA Upgrade Legacy offers.
    • The level 65/75/85 Symbols of the Elder King offers by the skirmish NPC no longer require the Erebor Challenge Deed.
    • Knocking down more prices for bartered skirmish items. This time the Seals requirement has been removed from the Big Battle jewelry vendor.

  • West Fangorn – Items – Cosmetic Pet Huorns are now available for barter for 375 Fangorn Leaves each.
  • The Moria Geode is now a housing decoration item available from the Iron Garrison
  • The Essence Reclamation Scroll has been added to the loot tables as a very rare drop, as well as the loot tables used by Burglars when they pick-pocket from monsters.
  • Removed the chance of getting a level 100 First Age Symbol from the Tier 1 Ost Dunhoth instance.


  • West Fangorn – Rewards – Quickbeam now offers Fangorn Housing items for barter
  • The Dead Marshes – Heroes near the level cap should speak to Dorthaneth in the Cave of the Avorrim to begin their exploration of the Dead Marshes.

Miscellaneous & Bug Fixes

  • The game launcher now has the option to “preload” the client_gamelogic.dat files. This functionality is enabled by default if you have 2GB+ of memory. It can be disabled in the game launcher options. (It’s called: “Pre-cache gamelogic”) When enabled the game should launch faster for many users.
  • Monster corpses should no longer show quest rings until decay unless they have a Quest Action available.
  • Players should no longer be able to obtain the Lamedon turtle in their inventories when working on quest “Turtles in the Depthsâ€

SHIELD Forum Post




Monday’s at 9PST 12 EST.

Will be on twitch replay.


Studying Dress in LOTRO


Iowa State University researcher is doing short interviews (30-45 minutes) via Skype with female LOTRO players on their thoughts about dress and fashion in the game.  Participants should be women 18 years or older.  If interested, email: lotrodress@gmail.com.


LOTRO Theater Night


Join us at Windy Acres Ranch for Theater Night on Sunday, December 14th

from 4:30pm to 5:30pm EST/servertime on Landroval.


Special surprise at PAX for WarriorpoetX

BrandyJam Special thanks


Contact Information

Email: lotro.reporter@gmail.com

Twitter: @lotroreporter

Facebook: LOTRO Reporter

Voicemail: 616-666-6778 or the widget on the right side of the screen when you visit the site.

YouTube:  http://www.youtube.com/user/mmoreporternetwork




Cari  Twitter: @thecarimac

Layanor  Twitter: @Layanor

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